GLOBOCAP – What’s Happening? – WW3 Update – Ofcom – Fake Bomb! – Starmer Nailed – Climate Controls – Disinflation – Living in SA – Truth Redux – Sheepfolds – Letter from Great Britain – [08-12-23]

Coming next week: THE FINANCIAL JIGSAW PART 2 is being serialised over however long it takes with two or three issues each month on Thursdays

WE ARE BEHOLDEN to Global Mega Corporations for everything in our ‘advanced’ economy that makes our lives work.  Only a few massive corporations, like Exxon Mobile, provide for most, if not all, our material needs and far more of our trivial wants; it’s all about energy without which nothing works.

Think about it: What product or service you have used today that hasn’t got some form of oil derivative in its supply chain?  And these hysterical ecoterrorists want to ban oil?  I’d like them to say how they would live without this unique, energy-dense fuel having driven the Industrial Revolution for more than two hundred years.  It is this alone that we can thank for the extreme lifestyle of the 21st century

Why and how has this come about?  The simplistic answer is: ‘Marketing and Advertising’ – aka ‘Psychologically Driven Need Creation’?   This is how Private Corporations have become so powerful, explained in only 6 Minutes – [spoiler: it’s known as ‘legal obfuscation’]:

Continue reading “GLOBOCAP – What’s Happening? – WW3 Update – Ofcom – Fake Bomb! – Starmer Nailed – Climate Controls – Disinflation – Living in SA – Truth Redux – Sheepfolds – Letter from Great Britain – [08-12-23]”

Weak Men Create Hard Times…and Bad History

There’s an old saying you may have seen around that goes, “Weak men create hard times.” Actually, to be precise, it’s the fourth part of a phrase that begins with “Hard times create strong men”, and it’s not that old; it’s from a post-apocalyptic novel called Those Who Remain. (In case you thought it was from The Fourth Turning. Spoiler alert: it’s not!) At any rate, the phrase does have a certain Fourth Turning-ish ring to it, and not by accident. On cable television, on the 1600 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, from Silicon Valley to Ottawa to Brussels and everywhere in between, we live in a world run by bureaucrats, busybodies, liars, passive-aggressors, power-mongers and throne-kissers. (Oh my!)

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Libertas Bella: The Burning Platform’s Official Merchandising Partner

Here is a hot internet tip: Whenever you encounter a website named after a goddess (Libertas), it’s usually good form to put your wallet wherever your webcam can’t see it. That’s because these sites typically tailor to the woo-woo set – you know, people who believe in the healing powers of crystals and apply chrysanthemum oil to their cats.

But hey, if you believe that bead necklaces can protect you from wendigos, then we say goddess bless.

And with that being said, allow us to introduce ourselves. We’ll start by telling you who we are and then explain why the heck we’re even posting here.

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My last post from South Dakota, we head home tomorrow. I know what all of you leches have really been wanting so here it is. Let’s just say if you want to see lots of young pretty girls the rally is not the place to do it. Yep there are a few, mainly working at the bars. Most of the biker crowd is 50 years plus. Not to say there are not some pretty older ladies. I believe there’s an old country song that says that “Older ladies, make beautiful lovers”.

Continue reading “THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY!”

South Dakota Super Spreader…Part Deux

Friday night’s street dance in Spearfish was called off due to Mother Nature. I was checking the weather radar on the smart phone and could see the squall line headed for town. Severe thunderstorm blew in just before start time and began dropping sheets of rain and frequent lightening strikes in town.

The bike stayed put in camp and we took the pickup to a local craft brewery that also serves pizza. We arrived just before the storm hit and we’re fortunate to find a table indoors. Within minutes the folks on the patio were bee lining it inside due to the storm. Everyone seemed to find seats and the place was packed. Families were enjoying each other’s company and as they say life was good. Never saw a mask on staff or guests.

Continue reading “South Dakota Super Spreader…Part Deux”