Stucky QOTD: Empire Of Dirt

An old man,  a truly great and wonderful man, reflects on his life with brutal honesty.  When an aged June looks at him from the stairs  (2:36) and Johnny sings,  “what have I become, my sweetest friend“, well, I could not hold in my emotion.  He sings, “everyone I know goes away in the end”  ….  and I believe both of them died not so long after this video.

It is the reason for today’s question.  I have this sense of foreboding that I won’t be alive for another year.  Sometimes I have nightmares about my own empire of dirt. More than once I woke up in a cold sweat.  I often wonder before I fall asleep,  “Will it be tonight,  Oh Lord?“. Maybe it’s all the doom porn.  Maybe I’m just fucken nuts. But, the thoughts persist … and I wish it would stop.

I’ll be surprised if this gets 20 responses.  That’s OK,  no disappointment here. Kind of a macabre question.  Who the hell wants to talk about their own demise?

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A Potato A Day: Life As A Ukie Soldier

God forgive me for posting an article from that shit-rag the Washington comPost.  May the Good Lord strike me dead if I ever do so again.  But, this is well worth your time to read. Summary;  country 404 is totally fucked.

(Note 1: I deleted all the pics because they won’t display.  Fuck WaPo! Go to the link at the end of the article if you want to see the pics.)

(Note 2: I just realized this article was heavily reference in the Zero Hedge article. So what,  here it is anyway.)

Here is another similar article … even better than the WaPo one;  “War in Eastern Ukraine Looks a Lot Different in Person Than It Does on CNN”HERE on Global Research.


Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned

DRUZHKIVKA, Ukraine — Stuck in their trenches, the Ukrainian volunteers lived off a potato per day as Russian forces pounded them with artillery and Grad rockets on a key eastern front line. Outnumbered, untrained and clutching only light weapons, the men prayed for the barrage to end — and for their own tanks to stop targeting the Russians.

“They [Russians] already know where we are, and when the Ukrainian tank shoots from our side it gives away our position,” said Serhi Lapko, their company commander, recalling the recent battle. “And they start firing back with everything — Grads, mortars.”

“And you just pray to survive.”

Continue reading “A Potato A Day: Life As A Ukie Soldier”

Maybe It Is Not As Bad As You Think

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) October 2018

Last week my brother and I set out upon a road trip on our motorcycles.  We made two rides with the express goal of traveling along the most iconic motorcycle roads in the US.  First we rode up route 1 from LA to Carmel, and then we rode from LA to Gallup New Mexico on route 66/40.  In Gallup I turned around to get home before the hurricane hit from Baha and my brother continued on to get back to his home in Pennsylvania.  For me it was seven days of riding over eight days and for him it was eleven days of riding over twelve days.  For me, it was over 2000 miles.  For him, I don’t know yet because he just got home but somewhere over 3600 miles.

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