Has the Western Medical System Turned Murderous?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

On September 4, Labor Day, I reported on the conclusion of two Japanese scientists that Covid and its variants are manufactured viruses created by humans, and that they did not get into circulation by escaping from labs.  I explored the serious implications.  Clearly agendas are being served at the expense of the population.  https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/09/04/japanese-scientists-find-that-covid-19-and-all-of-the-variants-are-laboratory-creations/

Yesterday morning I had an opportunity to question a virologist and a doctor involved in clinical research. I asked them if there is any discussion among scientists of why viruses are being created and released.  They told me that some are aware that Covid-19 and Omicron are lab creations, and that Omicron was a disappointment to its creators because it turned out to be akin to a weaker vaccine strain.

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