Back to Reality: We are All Children of Oil

Via The Seneca Effect

Colin Campbell, founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO), speaks in Pisa in 2006. Officially, the Powers that Be (PTB) ignored the ASPO message, but it could be that they understood it all too well. That would explain many things about the current situation. For two years, we thought that all our problems were caused by a microscopic, peduncled critter. Now, we are back to reality: we are all children of oil, and we cannot survive without it.


A few days ago, I found by chance on my shelves some documents from the 2006 conference of ASPO (the association for the study of peak oil) that I and others organized in Pisa, in Tuscany. The conference had a certain global resonance: it was sponsored by the Tuscan government, hundreds of people from all over the world came to attend, and the international media commented on it. It was part of a wave of interest on peak oil and its consequences. Just as another example, see the leaflet on the right that I also found rummaging among old documents. It announces a meeting to be held in the Tuscan countryside in 2004, titled, “The Party is Over“, and subtitled “How to exit from the petroleum-based economy

Today, it looks as if these things are a hundred years old. How was it that there was an age in which you could express this kind of subversive thoughts in public and be given some space in the media? And how could we delude ourselves into thinking that we could have convinced that nebulous entity called “humanity” that we were running out of our natural resources, crude oil in the first place? Even more subversive, that we should reduce consumption and move to renewable sources before it was too late?

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How Solid Are US War Guarantees?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

How Solid Are US War Guarantees? By Patrick Buchanan

In World War II, we Americans did not go to war with Germany for Great Britain, when it declared war on Hitler’s Germany and then was defeated in France. We went to war with Germany only when Hitler declared war on us, four days after Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

When several NATO nations revealed that they had dozens of Russian-made MiG-29s, the idea arose to fly them to Ukraine and turn them over to Ukrainian pilots familiar with the MiGs.

America would provide F-16s to replace the MiGs.

Poland had an even better idea. Warsaw would fly its 27 MiG fighter jets to the U.S. Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. The planes would be turned over to the Americans there, repainted and flown to Ukraine.

How to get the MiGs to Ukraine’s pilots would be left to the Americans.

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Oceania Has Always Been At War With Russia

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.

– William J. Casey, 1913-1987, Director, CIA (Republican), Statement at his first CIA staff meeting, 1981


And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars…

– King James Bible, Matthew 24:6


In the years prior to the new millennium, most readers of George Orwell’s novel “1984” would have considered the book to be a stark warning to mankind. However, in light of world events over the last 22 years it appears Orwell’s book was, instead, an instruction manual for the world’s financial elite.

The setting of 1984 took place in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic Great Britain which was a part of “Oceania”, a world super-state alternately engaged in never-ending warfare with two other global powers: Eurasia and Eastasia.

The INSOC Party was a totalitarian regime led by a figurehead known only as “Big Brother” and the “Ministry of Truth” promoted war hysteria to unite the citizens of Oceania by continuously broadcasting propaganda that simultaneously subverted autonomous thought and action.

Today, it appears the U.S. Military Industrial Complex of which President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in his 1961 farewell address, has assumed the role of Orwell’s Oceania; along with the other English-speaking nations that comprise the “Five Eyes” global surveillance network: Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.  In endless propaganda purveyed to rile and unify the masses, this Anglo intelligence apparatus ostensibly wages war against Islamic terror, Russia, China, and Covid-19, alternately, contingent upon which puppet politicians are appointed to rule at any given time.

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Reality Check: A “no-fly zone” over Ukraine means WAR

Via Off-Guardian

Western pundits and journalists are all in a flutter over Ukraine. They think it’s terribly exciting, and want to be seen to be tough and decisive. Their internal monologues probably feature the word “Churchillian” quite a lot.

Naturally, that means a lot of them are saying some really stupid things.

This includes widespread calls for a NATO-imposed “No-Fly Zone” over Ukrainian airspace. This proposal is all over the media, even coming out of the porcine mouth of Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the UK’s Labour party:

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Will Xi Jinping’s “End Of Days” Plunge China & The World Into War?

Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute,

  • Xi Jinping, China’s mighty-looking leader, has an “enormous array of domestic enemies.” — Gregory Copley, president of the International Strategic Studies Association and editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, to Gatestone Institute, February 2022.
  • Xi created that opposition. After becoming China’s ruler at the end of 2012, he grabbed power from everyone else and then jailed tens of thousands of opponents in purges, which he styled as “anti-corruption” campaigns.
  • Beijing is panicking, adding nearly a trillion dollars in total new credit last month, a record increase…. When the so-called “hidden debt” is included, total debt in the country amounts to somewhere in the vicinity of 350% of gross domestic product.
  • Not surprisingly, Chinese companies are now defaulting. The debt crisis is so serious it can bring down China’s economy—and the country’s financial and political systems with it.

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War Is Important

Guest Post by Check Six

Our Wars are Extremely Important and although our Congress keeps funding them with trillions of our tax dollars, as well as trillions of dollars in loans, we have not won a war for the past 75 years.

I believe from my extensive research, and service as an F-4 pilot during the Vietnam era, that the primary problem is our leadership and related manpower in the front lines.  I believe we need to have the people who know most about starting wars show the rest of the troops how war should be conducted on the front lines.  Therefore we could be more successful in reducing the cost of our wars and also be able to choose our wars more wisely if the best and brightest were to show the rest how it is done in the field.

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Let Our Vision Overcome The Narratives

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


When “taking the vax” became a means to signal ones virtue as part of the moral high ground, the right side of history, etc. many people were indulging themselves by taking the vaxx. It became not just an act of personal health or even collective health but a signal, a ritual of their faith in something much bigger and much more sinister.

The origin of that faith and purpose of that ritual should not be ignored. Especially given how by nature of the vaxx being a moral position many of those people entered into that contract full knowing that those of us who refused would be indicted by that same moral position.

Comment by Dangerous Variant,  Dec 13, 2021


Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

― Voltaire


Where there is no vision, the people perish

– Proverbs 29:18


I read an opinion column early in the new year written by a local woman scolding The Unvaccinated in my area. Ironically, she addressed her article to the “my body, my choice” crowd and argued those who don’t get vaccinated should have their health insurance capped. She claimed taxpayers should not be burdened by those too selfish to care about overwhelmed health care systems or for those who are oppressing future generations.

Where does one even start?

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Grandpa, Tell Me about the War

Guest Post by Freed Radical

“Grandpa, tell me about the war. My friend said that ten dillon people died in it.”

“No, that’s not right. Dillon was a Marshall on TV. It’s billion, with a ‘B’. And it wasn’t ten billion, only seven and a half.”

“Ok, but I hate fractions! What happened? Why did all those people die?”

“Well it started a hundred years before the war, when the communists started corrupting our country through colleges, and radio, and books, and churches.”

“What’s a commun…”

“Don’t worry about that. They want to run other peoples’ lives. Not good. Anyway, I could talk for days about what caused the war, but I’ll skip ahead to the stuff that you’ll be interested in.”

Continue reading “Grandpa, Tell Me about the War”

You Can’t Stop a Tidal Wave So You Might As Well Try

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone.  To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior ‘righteous indignation’ – this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.

Aldous Huxley

Hat Tip:  John Wilder


…. This entire pandemic scheme has been designed as a divide and conquer undertaking… We are in the midst of this struggle for the future of our country and the world.

– Jim Quinn (11/28/2021), “THE WALL WAS TOO HIGH, AS YOU CAN SEE”


The Omicron® virus has arrived right on schedule and, of course, quite propitiously for those promoting The Great Reset®.   Fortunately, for them, each new wave has its own trademarked classification designed for maximum advertising impact within the ever-expanding COVID® brand.  Accordingly, the Omicron® campaign comes just in time for kids getting jabbed and will potentially distract from the spate of gift-wrapped Faucigate books lovingly laid under living room trees this Christmas.  Furthermore, Omicron®, will likely be used to conceal Covid vaccine failure and convince the Double-Jabbed to take that third swing.

As I’ve stated before, the Elite won’t turn back now. They are completely committed. This is because the Covid offensive either ends up with them lined up against walls or the We the Plebeians in digital chains.

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The Anecdotes of an American Nobody at the End of Things

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


No man has been shattered by the blows of Fortune unless he was first deceived by her favours. Those who loved her gifts as if they were their own forever, who wanted to be admired on account of them, are laid low and grieve when the false and transient pleasures desert their vain and childish minds, ignorant of every stable pleasure. But the man who is not puffed up in good times does not collapse either when they change. His fortitude is already tested and he maintains a mind unconquered in the face of either condition: for in the midst of prosperity he has tried his own strength against adversity.

– Seneca


You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

– Revelation 3:17


There is no denying the Creature from Jekyll Island is a snake eating its own tail. Unfortunately, the tail is the entire world and it was devoured slow and sure:  banking, Wall Street, sovereign governments, international corporations, and, now, Main Street and entire populations around the globe.

It’s been a year and a few days since The Great Reset officially began on November 3, 2020. That was when a handful of Democrat Party controlled precincts, in Democrat Party controlled cities, in key electoral swing states, all stopped counting votes in the middle of the night.  Forgetting that Trump received more votes than any other president in history and Sleepy Joe was said to have received even more votes with the winning margins secured in those Democrat-controlled precincts – the unbelievable irony is now this: Those who believe Biden is a legitimate president consider those who disagree with that consensus as believers of “The Big Lie”.

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Dear Remnant: The Best Things in Life are Free

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

An online friend and fellow blogger posted an article on his website last month entitled: “It’s a Fourth Turning, What Did You Expect?”.  Since then, the question has roiled in my mind and my answer remains: “not this”.  Recent events and circumstances are NOT what I expected because, honestly, they are more bizarre than I would have imagined.

Keep in mind the words you’re reading were typed by someone who has been waiting for the bombs to drop since high school. I’ve always had a sense of doom – perhaps due to my curious mind and my innate willingness to apply logic. As a result, I went Galt in the spring of 2011, or about 6 months before Ann Barnhardt, the commodities broker who joined Galt’s Gulch upon typing her epic letter against the corrupt collapse of MF Global.

As a member of Strauss and Howe’s Nomad Generation, my personal alarm bells went off around the time of the Judge Bork non-confirmation and the concurrent Black Monday, in 1987. Next came the stained blue dress, hanging chads, 911, The War on Terror, TARP, and Obamacare. By that time, I figured the jig was up.  Then, it was the Benghazi/YouTube clownshow and by the time the red line in Syria was crossed, I was nestled into my allegorical “bunker” waiting for the TV screens to go static.

Now, Covidism? Nope. Definitely not the Fourth Turning I expected.

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The Deception Spinning in Your Head Simply Means They Want You Dead

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass

– T.S. Eliot

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

– Led Zeppelin

Although most people are familiar with the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, many today may not realize the story was derived from actual events.  The account, which evolved through the years into a fairy tale, described a village that was overrun by rats until a flute-playing magician, of sorts, came along to lead the infestation from the town. The “Piper” was dressed in bright colorful clothes and he captured the imagination of the people. As a result, the townsfolk offered to pay him money… if only he would lead the rats away. But when the piper appeared to remove the rats from the town, the people reneged on their offer and, in turn, the Piper came for the children.

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For What Should We Fight Russia or China?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

For What Should We Fight Russia or China?

If red lines are to be laid down, they ought to be laid down by the one constitutional body with the authority to authorize or declare war — Congress. And questions need to be answered to avoid the kinds of miscalculations that led to horrific world wars in the 20th century.

Last Monday, in a single six-hour period, NATO launched 10 air intercepts to shadow six separate groups of Russian bombers and fighters over the Arctic, North Atlantic, North Sea, Black Sea and Baltic Sea.

Last week also brought reports that Moscow is increasing its troop presence in Crimea and along its borders with Ukraine.

Joe Biden responded. In his first conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden assured him of our “unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression in the Donbass and Crimea.”

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The Lies Of The Borg Are The Glue That Binds

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s ultimate goal is “achieving perfection”…



You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.

– The Borg


Ironically, this article begins with an epilogue.  It is because what began four years ago with a dream to Make America Great Again® has now become the nightmare of a collectivist coup and The New Domestic War on Terror®.

For years now, I have speculated on the presidency of Donald Trump as the “bleeding of the brake lines before the big stop”.  Unfortunately, it now appears that speculation has been answered in the affirmative, because it happened:  America has been assimilated into The Collective.

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Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair: Hover Through the Fog and Filthy Air

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The title of this piece was recited by The Three Witches in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and the photo symbolizes America’s recent history and the desired destiny for a large percentage of the nation’s voters:  An arrogant political leftist infiltrator, while donning the horns of Baphomet, holding a bullhorn in his left hand and an American flag subdued under his right fist.  It is the vision of Janus in transition, the two-faced god simultaneously seeing forward and backward; future and past.

Over the past two years, I have written multiple articles regarding episodes playing out on the national stage; and nearly every piece expressed my unease at the “movie-of-the-week”, or “reality television” vibe that accompanied those media narratives.  The episodes seemed so scripted…. so perfectly… contrived.

The recent “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington D.C. unwound in a similar, seemingly scripted, fashion.  Just like the election fraud that took place months earlier that was predicted by both President Trump and Vice President Pence many months before November 3, 2020, so was the potential for violence, and ANTIFA infiltration, predicted by AM radio hosts and other political commenters prior to the rally on January 6, 2021.

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