Beware the Fact-Checkers

Via Dr. Robert Malone Substack

A guest testimonial on censorship in the age of COVID. A windy city example of what Obama, the US Intelligence community and legacy media advocate.

<People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. This essay provides a great illustration of how “fact checkers” are not checking facts, but have been acting to police opinion and thought. This is the Orwellian reality that the US Intelligence community and former President Obama advocate for America, and which their legacy media lapdogs gladly endorse – RWM>

Guest Author: Leonard C. Goodman, JD

<Leonard C. Goodman is a Chicago criminal defense attorney and co-owner of the for-profit arm of the Chicago Reader. This article was first published in the ScheerPost. Published in this substack by permission of the author.>


Opinion columnists are familiar with the traditional role of the fact checker. Prior to publication, an editor checks accuracy of quotes and the sources for factual assertions. Erroneous or unsupported assertions are removed or revised.

But times have changed. Today, an entire fact-checker industry has emerged to check your opinions, making sure you have not strayed beyond acceptable limits for public discourse. These professional fact-checkers are often brought in after publication of a controversial article, opinion piece or podcast to quell a controversy. Acting more like business consultants, they help media platforms large and small stay on the right side of government officials and corporate sponsors.

COVID-19 has been a boon to the fact-checking industry. Big outfits like Politifact and have special divisions just to police COVID “misinformation.” Like the Ministry of Truth imagined by George Orwell in his epic novel, “1984,” these outfits will tell you what you can and can’t say about the lockdowns, masks, and the mRNA vaccines manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna.

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