Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Who Could Possibly Replace Trump?

No one is irreplaceable, which is good because Donald Trump is going away. Oh, I don’t think they’ll succeed in impeaching him, and I think he’s got a better than even (though not much) chance of winning in 2020 as it stands right now, but let’s face it: The Bad Orange Man who saved us from the civil unrest that that vindictive harpy Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit would have provoked will someday be gone. Election loss, term limit, lightning strike…someday he’s going away. So after Trump departs the arena, who will champion the militant, outside-the-Beltway normals who shrugged and muttered “Ahoy” when The Weekly Standard sank?

Our problem is that we don’t have an answer, not yet anyway.

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