Could Trump Run for President if Imprisoned?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

DebsVEugene1920In 1920 the world watched as candidate Eugene Debs fought for the title of President of the United States. Eugene Victor Debs of the Socialist Party was found guilty of violating the Sedition Act during the Great War and was sentenced to 10 year imprisonment. Debs was nominated as his party’s candidate in 1920 despite being behind bars.

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The Fix is In – Trump Goes to Prison

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Let me explain something very important. George Soros’ son has come out and said that Trump would not go away unless he is in prison. I am not at liberty to say at this time, but the FIX IS IN and Trump will be imprisoned in the Washington, DC case.

Fix is InSoros has funded the case in Colorado to kick Trump off the ballot. This is a war for the very soul of the United States. I have had to look at these forecasts projected by the computer, and it is certainly not my aspiration in life. People keep telling me this is my destiny. Perhaps so. But I do not relish laying out these forecasts, for I wish I could prevent the outcome, but OI cannot. No protest can be mustered to prevent this. We have to crash and burn. Only then will the blind finally see, and those who have understood these forecasts will get to perhaps spread the word.

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Can Trump Run for President From Prison?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

By no means is Trump the first to find himself in the crosshairs of the rath of government because he sought real change. Eugene Victor Debs (1855–1926) was an American socialist, political activist, and trade unionist and a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). However, he was also a five-time candidate of the Socialist Party of America, running for President of the United States in 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 when he ran for president from prison. That’s right! It was the Democrats who also imprisoned him, and he still ran for President in 1920.

Debs ran for President from prison in the 1920 election. Many people voted for him; he received the most significant number of popular votes ever received by a Socialist Party candidate in the United States. It is important to clarify that there was also the Communist Party, which was separate and distinct from the Socialist Party at the time. It is Ironic that FDR running as a Democrat, was really advocating socialism, which Debs had advocated, except for war.

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