Tim Scott Is Too Soft to Be Our Nominee

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The rap on Tim Scott is that he is too nice to be a modern Republican, but that’s wrong – he’s too weak to be a modern Republican. The man consistently defaults to submission to the woke left, but the times call for a warrior and his brand is soft surrender. Yeah, it would be nice to live in an era where we have the luxury of a president who dodged the draft in the culture wars, but we do not live in that time. Tim Scott needs to stay right where he is, an affable but unaccomplished senator firmly within the tradition of the political puffballs that South Carolina’s GOP inexplicably turns out. Let him be nice somewhere where his alleged niceness won’t shaft us again.

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Dems’ Priority is Sex and Skin Color, and the GOP Must Reject this Approach: Enter Tim Scott

Guest Post by PF Whalen

There was a time not long ago when the word ‘bigot’ would have been defined as follows: A person who determines one’s humanity and value based on the color of their skin, their gender, or other inherent traits, and behaves accordingly. That definition applies perfectly to today’s Democratic Party. One’s skill set, experience, and competence are irrelevant for Democrats, whereas our skin color, genitalia, and sexual preference are paramount.

Democrats are the very essence of bigotry, but they disguise their prejudice as wokeness and virtue-signaling. And while it must be enticing for Republican leaders to consider following the Democrats’ lead – thereby elevating women and non-white men to prominent positions simply because they are women and non-white men – they must resist the temptation. It’s bad for our country, it would be bad for the party, and most importantly: it’s wrong.

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Sen. Tim Scott: Driving the Wrong Way While Black

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Sen. Tim Scott: Driving the Wrong Way While Black

ANSWER: “Sen. Tim Scott, Republican from South Carolina.”

QUESTION: “Who will loads of Republicans support for president in 2024?”

I know this because … I am Carnac the Magnificent!

Also because Republicans have latched onto a black candidate for president every four years, pretty much throughout my entire adult life.

I’m one of those Republicans, having enthusiastically supported Alan Keyes in at least one of his three presidential runs, Herman Cain in 2012 (9-9-9!) and Ben Carson, as my backup to Trump, in 2016.

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