The Fall of Rome, Updated

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: terrorists 6,000 miles away, or our wide-open border?

People have different ways of evaluating threats, but the most basic test is: Which one kills more U.S. citizens?

Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in Islamic lands so far this year: 3.

Americans killed by third-worlders who entered our country illegally so far this year: 150.

I’m not even counting the 100,000 Americans who die annually of fentanyl and meth delivered by Mexican drug cartels. That’s 270 deaths a day right there.

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We, Too, Can Be A Failed Latin American State!

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes.

You probably think it’s beyond silliness for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to keep promising FREE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! NO PREMIUMS! NO CO-PAYS! ILLEGAL ALIENS, TOO! EVERYBODY GETS A PONY!

No one could be gullible enough to fall for that.

I refer you to the economic powerhouse that is Latin America.

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