NAACP Sues After School Goes Back To Confederate Name

Via ZeroHedge

The Virginia NAACP has sued a school board in Shenandoah Country after the district restored Confederate military names for two buildings – reversing what became a watershed moment in virtue signaling after dozens of schools changed their names following the 2020 death of George Floyd.

Stonewall Jackson by Tom Gallo


According NAACP Virginia State Conference President Cozy Bailey, the move by Shenandoah County to ditch ‘Mountain View High School’ and ‘Honey Run Elementary’ – to go back to ‘Stonewall Jackson High School’ and ‘Ashby Lee Elementary’ is “embracing the cold wind of intolerance and division and insensitivity,” and has “resurrected the ghosts of the Jim Crow era,” The Hill reports.

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