Why are reporters hyping a deeply flawed study supposedly proving Covid killed more Republicans because they had lower jab rates?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The paper says what media outlets want to hear about Covid, the vaccines, and the GOP. So they’re ignoring a huge hole in it that essentially destroys its findings.

Last week, three Yale researchers reported Republicans had higher death rates from Covid* [SEE NOTE AT END] than Democrats after mRNA vaccines became available to everyone.

The highest gap in death rates occurred in counties with low vaccination levels, suggesting differences in jab rates caused it, the study said.

Media outlets quickly broadcast the findings, which ran in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association. “Republican deaths in Florida, Ohio linked to COVID vaccine politics,” Axios wrote. On Twitter, Chris Hayes of MSNBC claimed the study showed that “a bunch of people with big platforms [tried] to get their audiences killed.”

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The Media Is Even More Garbage Than Usual

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

The Media Is Even More Garbage Than Usual

It’s like the moronic mandarins of the mainstream media – luminaries like Honest Dan Rather, Brian “Badass Like Buttigieg” Williams, and Zombie Cronkite – got together to create a plan to make people hate the media even more than they already did. It was a daunting challenge, since people view the mainstream media as something akin to syphilis without the upside. But it’s as if they finally succeeded, accomplishing, against all odds, something besides failure, leveraging this pandemic to destroy the media forever. The Chinese Coronavirus Bat Soup Syndrome has taken what’s left of the media’s reputation, poured gasoline on it, then lit it on fire before flattening it with a bulldozer and finally having a Scat Francisco hobo download last night’s free bologna sandwich on the remains.

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