Inflated And Overpriced Retail Real Estate Turns Manhattan Into “Wasteland”

Via ZeroHedge

The Fed loves to tell us how necessary and vital inflation is for economic prosperity, but in the case of midtown Manhattan’s “prime” retail real estate, it is doing nothing but helping cause once extremely prominent shopping areas to become the very same “ghost towns” they turned into during the 2008 housing crisis. Mayor DeBlasio’s asinine solution to this issue created in part by faulty government policy? More government and more regulation. So much for the recovery.

As if brick and mortar retail didn’t have enough problems to deal with being methodically decimated by the ever growing behemoth that is Amazon, store owners are now facing rent that is simply so high that it makes it prohibitive for them to open retail shops and do business in once prominent areas of downtown Manhattan.

On Saturday, the New York Post wrote an article confirming our writeup from late March – that these high prices were driving businesses out of town:

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