Is The End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders Threat Of Annihilation

Authored by Rob Bluey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Victor Davis Hanson tackles a topic related to military history in his new book, “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation.” (Courtesy of The Heritage Foundation)


Victor Davis Hanson is well known for his intelligent commentary and astute analysis of current events. But for his latest book, he tackles a topic related to his work on military history. It’s called “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.”

Mr. Hanson studied four historical examples of wartime extinction that he features in the book. Then he applies those lessons to contemporary society to examine our own vulnerabilities. The book is on sale now, and Mr. Hanson spoke with The Daily Signal to share his observations along with some advice about what’s at stake for the United States in the short term.

Listen to the full interview on “The Daily Signal Podcast” or read the transcript—edited for length and clarity—below.

Rob Bluey: Could you share with our listeners your motivation for doing this book?

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Can the World Afford the Insane Foreign Policy of America’s Satanic Neoconservatives?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

We are on the verge of nuclear annihilation.  Every agreement made during the 20th century to reduce the risk of nuclear war has been abandoned by Washington.  Why worry, some ask, mutual assured destruction means neither the US nor Russia would initiate a nuclear attack.  Perhaps not, but the greatest danger of nuclear armageddon comes from false alarms from warning systems.  During the Cold War there were many such alarms.  The false alarms did not result in mutual destruction because both governments were working to defuse, not exacerbate, the situation, and there was time for the validity of the alarm to be verified before a fatal pushing of the button.

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