US Navy Enlists Drag Queen For ‘Digital Ambassador’ Role To Attract More Recruits

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The US military can no longer recruit the traditional backbone of the fighting force–white southern conservative heterosexual men.  Few Democrats can be found in America’s armed forces–only 29%.

White southern males see serving their country as honorable.  But when they see their country being taken away from them in every respect–in Budweiser, Gillett, Disney, Google, et. al., ads and public policy advocacy, in corporate advertisements that never show a white family, and when they suffer the outrage of being required as military recruits to subject themselves to brainwashing called “sensitivity training” in which they hear that they are racist and misogynist oppressors of blacks and women and find that those taught to regard them as oppressors are their officers, and that they cannot be promoted because they are racially and gender over-represented in the officer ranks, white heterosexual males unconfused about their gender simply have stopped joining the American military.

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