Submitted by new advertiser Mount Sinai Refuge

What is your plan in case things get much worse here in the USA? Are you ready to suffer potential food supply disruptions, increased 5G exposure and chemtrails, smartmeters, forced vaccines, fluoridated water supplies, GMO food, and a host of other evils and judgements? Proverbs says, ” A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.” While there is no totally escaping the evils of this world it is possible to move from a dangerous location to safer one.

For this reason Mount Sinai Refuge is offering a place for you to have a better opportunity to live in peace far from many of the dangers and problems that are coming upon the US now and in the future. Would you like to have a place far out in the country with your own food forest that can produce an abundance of fresh organic food and with unlimited fish and wild game…a place where there are are never any chemtrails, flouridated water, GMO foods, smartmeters, or riots? If so, then check out our website and contact us for more information.


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