7 Things You Should Do Before Trying to Lose Weight

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Improve your metabolic rate through lifestyle and dietary changes before starting a weight loss regimen
  • Aim to raise your maintenance calorie level before dieting to avoid extreme calorie restriction and ensure long-term sustainability
  • Recognize that weight loss requires a caloric deficit, influenced by both calories consumed and calories burned. Focus on enhancing your metabolism through increased physical activity and managing macronutrient intake
  • Develop fundamental health habits, such as regular physical activity and home-cooked meals, to make weight loss easier and more effective
  • Prepare for a gradual approach to weight loss by adjusting your diet and lifestyle to improve your overall metabolic health first

The question of “how to lose fat?” seems to be a popular question these days. And it is understandable, as many people are overweight and obesity rates continue to rise. But before diving into “how to lose weight,” you should first assess whether you are even at a place where weight loss should be your first goal.

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