How to Debate a Leftist

Guest Post by Eric Peters

You will never win an argument by accepting your opponent’s premises. Republicans and “conservatives” serially lose arguments with the Left – and elections – because they accept the Left’s premises. There are so many examples. Let’s run through some.

“Masks work.”

The way to win an argument with Leftists who say that isn’t to counter them with contrary studies. It is to say: If “masks work,” then feel free to wear one. But you have no right to force anyone else to wear one, ever. Especially if – as you insist – “masks work.” After all, if they do – as you say – then they “work” for you and everyone else is none of your business.

That is how you counter a “masker.”

Or – more to the point – it is how you shut one up. By telling him to go to bugger off, essentially.  After you have told him to bugger off, there is no longer anything left for him to do but to try to force you to. And you have forced him to admit that it’s not about “masks working.”

It is about the forcing.

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Never Forget: Leftists Showed Their True Authoritarian Colors During COVID

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

When I think back to the first days of the covid pandemic lockdowns, I suspect the majority of people, even many conservatives and liberty movement types, had a healthy concern about the effects of the virus and the potential for structural upheaval if it turned out to be as deadly as the World Health Organization initially claimed. If covid had an Infection Fatality Rate of 3% or more as global health officials warned, then the damage would be substantial enough to change our world for many years to come.

Anyone who was not at least partially concerned about a biological disaster (or biological warfare) was probably an idiot. Anyone who was smart was prepared.  However, after a few months of the spread of the virus and after the first flurry of scientific data, several facts became evident:

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Why Are Leftists Obsessed With Destroying Hero Culture?

Authored by Brandon Smith via

In the movie ‘Batman: The Dark Knight’ the well regarded district attorney Harvey Dent makes a statement that has since woven itself into our popular culture to the point that we often hear it quoted as if it was said by some ancient philosopher.  He noted:

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”  

The most predictable interpretation of this is that there is a fine line between doing good and doing evil with the best of intentions.  People can start out as heroes and quickly fall to darkness in the name of serving the “greater good.”  I think there is more meaning behind the quote, however.

There is also the issue of historical revision and the fact that the heroes of yesterday might be considered the terrorists of tomorrow given who is in charge of writing the history books or reporting the news.  Sometimes heroes become villains through their own mistakes, other times they are just rewritten that way.

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What’s the Difference?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

There is one enormous difference between Leftists and the rest of us –  and it is not a difference of opinion.

It is that Leftists will not abide differences of opinion, especially when those who hold different opinions dare to act on them. Even when they are in the right – in terms of the facts – and even when their actions do nothing to tangibly, negatively affect Leftists, except insofar as their feelings are affronted.

The whole “masking” (and “vaccinating”) business marked out these divisions. Also the “lockdowns” that Leftists either advocated or enforced.

Not wearing a “mask – or refusing the “vaccine” – causes no harm to others, including Leftists. This is established fact, though it took seemingly forever for it to be acknowledged.

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Are Leftists Stupid Or Liars?

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Are Leftists Stupid Or Liars?

It’s a real headscratcher – are these people dumb, or do they think we’re dumb, or is it a little from Column A and a little from Column B?

Take Heidi Heitkamp – and you can take her since she’s not busy, the people of one of the Dakotas having fired her for being a crappy senator. This has-been was on with Bill Maher – his show is where C-list pols go to die – and they were talking about cancel culture and what happened next was illustrative. See, Heitkamp was supposed to be one of those moderate Dems from the Midwest, not some strange-o channeling the table talk in the faculty lounge at Gumbo State. And this alleged moderate then announced that Gina Carano is a Nazi.

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The Leftist Obsession With Parler Reveals Their Infatuation With Thought Control

Authored by Brandon Smith via,

In my recent article ‘Power Is An Illusion, Control Is A Facade’ I outlined the realities behind power structures and how people dominate other people by conditioning them with false assumptions and misplaced fears. For example, many people make themselves easy to control by remaining dependent on governments during crisis events and emergencies; if you actually believe the government will protect you from any and all eventualities then why would you ever learn to protect and provide for yourself?

The infantization of a society makes citizens easy to dominate.

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Leftists Suggest “Re-Education Camps”, “Firing Squads”, & Banning Talk Radio To “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned.

“No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?” asked David Atkins (pronouns in bio), a regional director for California Democrats. “We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South,” he added.

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The Leftist Effort to Revise American History

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

The Leftist Effort to Revise American History

There is very little new under the sun. The monument and statue destruction that we are witnessing has been witnessed in other times and other places. A tyrant’s first battlefield is to rewrite history. Most notable were the political purges of Joseph Stalin. The Soviet government erased figures from Soviet history by renaming cities —  such as the Imperial capital of St. Petersburg to Petrograd and Leningrad and Stalingrad — and eradicating memories of czarist rule. Stalin’s historical revisions also included changing photographs and history books, thereby distorting children’s learning within educational establishments.

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Sigh” No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Sigh” No, Being A Christian Does Not Require You Meekly Submit To Leftist Tyranny

First, the oldest but best Christian joke in the world (The second best is the one about how what was going on in Gomorrah was so bad nobody will talk about it): There’s this Christian guy who gets on his roof to escape a flood. He prays to God to save him. A rowboat comes by. He says, “No thanks, God will save me.” The rowboat leaves, the water rises, and he drowns. He appears before the Lord and says, “But I prayed for you to save me!” and God says, “I sent you a rowboat.”

Donald Trump is religious Americans’ improbable rowboat, and I have $20 that says some obtuse idiot is going to write a column, or at least fire off a tweet, saying “Schlichter thinks Trump was sent by God.” Mark my words. If there’s anything I know, it’s what to expect from dummies on the web.

There are a lot of people frustrated that Christians back Trump and refuse to let his personal life be used as a wedge to pry off their support. They are mad that Christians are not playing their role as defined by their enemies. Christians are supposed to be scandalized and give up and lose. But they won’t.

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The Left Eats It’s Own

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Is there any sound as sweet as the dulcet tone of your enemy gnawing on the bones of their allies? I dare say there is not.

The biggest problem with identity politics is the number of identities and the fact that not all of them are the same. See how that works? I know, I know, diversity is out greatest strength and it is when the diverse people who promote it are busy tearing apart the society built by a single, unified and homogeneous population so they can get a slice of that American pie. But as the best pieces all get taken and there’s nothing but crumbs left, that’s when you really find out the difference between reality and rhetoric.

Good luck, folks! And may the best man/womyn/non-binary furrykin win!

Via HuffPo

Why This Black Girl Will Not Be Returning To The Women’s March

Recently, I came across the Facebook event page for the 2018 Los Angeles Women’s March.

To date, 9,600 people have indicated they are attending the march, while another almost 40,000 people have expressed interest in going. Yet, despite these impressive numbers, there’s at least one woman in Los Angeles County who will not be in attendance. You guessed it: yours truly!

And it’s not because I have a prior engagement. In fact, I really don’t have anything to do that day. The reason I’m not going is because after having attended the march last year, I am well aware that the Women’s March is not for women like me.

Last year around this time, a dark shadow had been cast over the nation. Forty-five had won the presidential election and the country was about to embark on the downward spiral we currently find ourselves in.

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She was talking loudly about Trump and I am one of the few right-wingers in my school. So she asked me why I supported him seeing as how I am Latino, and he hates us. I responded saying that he doesn’t hate Latinos, he just wants to remove Illegals from the US. It then shifted to how there are a war on blacks and other minorities because of cop killings, and stated that the FBI statistics I was using were skewered because it was seeded on white supremacy.

It finally shifted to where she said how when its a Muslim attack, its labelled terrorism, but Vegas was not since he was white. I told her that so far, unless something turns up, we have not found any political or religious aims, and therefore it cannot be viewed as a terrorist incident because the definition of terrorism states violence in the pursuit of political aim (((anti-fa))). At that point, she claimed multiple times the dictionary was wrong and that she knew more than it. I was only able to capture 90% of the confrontation.

Sorry for low quality and my slight stuttering, it comes and goes randomly I have no idea why.

Via The Feral Irishman