Child trafficking is no longer a right wing conspiracy theory. The rock band Five Finger Death Punch recently put out a new music video about trafficking missing children. The movie Sound of Freedom changed the culture around child trafficking from an issue nobody wanted to acknowledge to an uncomfortable truth.

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Tradition Is Not the Worship of Ashes

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

– Ephesians 6:12


As World War III recently expanded into the Middle East, I was reminded of an article I posted last summer where I mentioned my lack of interest in the news.   Honestly, in these times, I have become more interested in things I can control.

Nevertheless, in the thread of that article, a commenter claimed that “news fatigue” was by design and “the less interested people are in what’s going on in the world, the more [The Powers That Be] can get away with. “

That is an interesting notion, indeed.

That same commenter also included a YouTube link to a 2016 documentary entitled Hypernormalisation.  In viewing that three-hour video, I found it to be mostly correct and on the right track, so to speak.  However, because that particular BBC-funded production emphasized the wrong historical “tracks”, it missed the correct destination by its conclusion; and being mostly right is not all right.

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Covid Policies Led To An Unknowable Rise In Human Trafficking

Via The Blue State Conservative

Covid-19 has been considered the worst epidemic in our generation. Every elected official will tell you how dangerous the virus is, and how dangerous the unvaccinated are. What you rarely hear these people discuss is how human trafficking was impacted by Covid-19. This is an already well-hidden crime, but now that you add individuals were forced to stay home without work, without any way to provide for themselves, what do you think will happen? This raises the question: Was human trafficking impacted by Covid-19? In short, yes. How was modern day slavery impacted by the pandemic? Here’s how:

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Kamala Is Clueless: Claims Surge In Human Trafficking Due To COVID, Not Open Border Policies

Via The Blue State Conservative

VP Kamala Harris is arguably off to the worst start for anyone who ever served in her position. She has zero positive accomplishments under her belt but does have a few major failures from her lack of activity and incompetence.

In addition to being incompetent, Harris is reportedly unlikable and impossible to work under.

On January 13th, the Washington Examiner reported; To staff, Kamala Harris is a clueless bully who refuses to do her homework

Before she became vice president, Kamala Harris had a bad habit of ignoring prepared briefing materials.

She does not appear to have kicked this habit, even after making it all the way to the White House.

“Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared,” the Washington Post reports.

One former staffer told the paper, “It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work. With Kamala, you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So, you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully, and it’s not really clear why.”

According to Vice President Kamala Harris, all her problems with getting things done can be summed up in two words: race and gender. According to the first woman to serve as the second most powerful person in the U.S., Harris in December said the only reason for the widespread perception that she’s gone from a historic role model to a much-ridiculed failure in less than a year is that she’s the only Veep who wasn’t a white male.

Continue reading “Kamala Is Clueless: Claims Surge In Human Trafficking Due To COVID, Not Open Border Policies”


The anons have been talking this up and creating relevant memes since PizzaGate, well before Q arrived on scene. Things ramped up when Q came along and there has been steady chatter and research going on. From what I’ve read this affects every city and nearly every single town in America.

Places exist where girls and women are held captive specifically to be used as breeders to supply the market with the youngest of victims. Sadly these practices are not limited to the USA. Europe and the Middle East are said to be worse than the USA but I suspect that can only be judged in volume, not depravity.

Child trafficking is the part of Trump’s Swamp draining that I think will break America’s heart and it will only be prelude to the Satanic ritualistic torture, abuse and sacrifice that goes on as well. I cannot even imagine what it will be like for families of children that have simply vanished from the Earth with no trace once these everyday horrors are revealed. 

I can only hope that once the political, economic and inhumane practices of our overlords are revealed that the human race will never forget and never trust our leaders so freely again. Our leaders need to be held to a much higher account from here on out. Failure to do so will only allow it to happen again. 



There’s no other way to put it, those that rule over us consider us their prey. More specifically, they consider your children their prey.

This is another significant work put together by the same anon that did the ANATOMY OF A CHILD TRAFFICKING NETWORK graphic. This graphic depicts mostly low level/low ranking public officials and military. I suspect the medium and upper level offenders will become indelible in our minds when the human trafficking investigations become public. This Executive Order isn’t for shits and giggles. Read the topmost paragraph of that Executive Order. Look up the Acts mentioned. Read the whole thing a time or two.



This is the first of two large graphics I’m posting today. Some anon put in quite a bit of work researching and assembling everything.

I found myself getting queasy as I was reading it. It’s one thing to know that this kind of thing goes on on some level. It’s something else to have it all in your face at once. 

Right click the image, click View Image then left click on image to enlarge. It is a large image that requires scrolling in all four directions.