Haruka Weiser was as much a victim of Liberalism

Guest Post by Angel at Lonely Libertarian

I’ve been stewing on this all week, and the more I think about it, the madder I get. Liberal ideology got an 18-year-old girl killed last weekend. Most of you have probably seen or heard news reports about the murder of a University of Texas co-ed Saturday night. If not, here’s a quick rundown:

  1.  Haruka Weiser was a first year theater-dance major at the University of Texas, Austin.
  2. Weiser left the rehearsal hall Sunday evening and her body was found Tuesday morning in a creek bed on the campus.
  3. A 17-year-old African-American Son of Obama was charged with 1st degree murder in her death. The defendant has been in the foster care and juvenile corrections systems most of his life.

Looking at the perpetrator, you can expect bleeding hearts to blame the system and not the person who committed the act. Weiser wasn’t murdered because her attacker was a black man; plenty of black men live their whole lives without committing a crime. Weiser wasn’t murdered because her attacker had been a foster child. Numerous foster children grow up to be stable and productive citizens. Weiser died because of a perfect storm. She was a naive and unprepared young woman who crossed paths with Evil on a Liberal college campus that promoted tolerance and fostered victimhood. She was basically set up.

Now, looking at the victim, one can make certain assumptions. Haruka Weiser was a dancer, so assume she was slight of stature. Most serious dancers will be around 5 foot nothing and weigh at or under 100 pounds. Her attacker is a healthy young man, probably around 6 feet and 180-200 pounds. Easily overpowering. She was from an upper middle class family from Oregon. Most likely raised in a liberal household that would have trained her to see all African-American males as victims of white privilege and not an overt threat to her existence. This family, more than likely would not only have not trained her to defend herself, but would have taught her to shun her natural instincts of survival, seeing them as racist and wrong-minded.

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