Is Wellness a Gateway to Right-Wing “Fascism?”

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

I know the Guardian is a left-wing socialist rag, but even for them – their article titled “Everything you’ve been told is a lie!’ Inside the wellness-to-fascism pipeline is so over the top obnoxious and bigoted that I can’t help but be amazed. Talk about lefties losing it!

Yep, according to the Guardian, there is a “WELLNESS TO FASCISM PIPELINE.”

From the article:

Thanks to wellness, QAnon is the conspiracy that can draw in the mum who shops at Holland & Barrett and her Andrew Tate-watching teenage son. The QAnon conspiracy is one of the most dangerous in the world, directly linked to attempted insurrections in the US and Germany, and mass shootings in multiple countries – and wellness is helping to fuel it.

The “wellness-to-woo pipeline” – or even “wellness-to-fascism pipeline” – has become a cause of concern to people who study conspiracy theories.

This apparent radicalisation of a nice, middle-class, hippy-ish group feels as if it should be a one-off, but the reality is very different. The “wellness-to-woo pipeline” – or even “wellness-to-fascism pipeline” – has become a cause of concern to people who study conspiracy theories.

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