My niece Jen passed away last night. She was only given 28 years on this earth. She has been courageously battling ovarian cancer for the last few years, but it finally defeated her. She fought a heroic battle for her three small children. Her husband Mike has been there every step of the way. Her parents, friends, and extended family did everything they could to help her and make her last days comfortable. Over the last two years there were two huge benefits held to help the family with their medical bills. They represented everything that is good about the people, communities, and small businesses in this country. Her friends and family organized these events and small business owners and individuals donated time, money, food, prizes, and space to do what they could. But, in the end she lost her battle. She was a sweet girl. She was a loving mom. She was a dedicated wife. Her children will be denied the love of this sweet girl. She won’t be there for their proms, weddings, or birth of their first children. Life isn’t fair when mothers and grandmothers outlive their daughters.

With so many evil people in this world rewarded and lauded for their evilness, what kind of God would inflict this kind of pain and suffering on a young sweet mother? There is no positive to take away from this. It is a tragedy. It’s not fair and it’s not right. Our family will gather together in the next week and try to come to grips with our grief. We lost the patriarch of the family not too many months ago and now we’ve lost someone far too young. Life will go on, but it’s still not fair.

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