An Offer You Can’t Refuse

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

We read to know we’re not alone.

Although that particular truism is often mistakenly attributed to the author C.S. Lewis, it was actually William Nicholson who wrote those words in his 1989 play “Shadowlands”, a story about C.S. Lewis.

Indeed. The power of words. And perhaps many of us out here in the interwebic blogosphere write to know we’re not alone as well.

Especially during times like these.

We use words to comfort and curse, to encourage, to promise, to teach, buy, sell, debate, learn, manipulate, lie, share, seduce, pray, preach, promote, warn, and even survive.

In the aforementioned play, “Shadowlands“, there is another quote that many now reading this may also find relevant to our times:

….pain is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world. Why must it be pain? Why can’t he rouse us more gently, with violins or laughter? Because the dream from which we must be wakened, is the dream that all is well.

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“There’s really no point to voting. If it made any difference, it would probably be illegal.”

H. L. Mencken

“It doesn’t take a majority to make a rebellion; it takes only a few determined leaders and a sound cause.”

H. L. Mencken

“The triumph of anything is a matter of organization.”

Kurt Vonnegut

“No country can squander itself to prosperity on the ruin of its taxpayers.”

Herbert Hoover

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The Conspiracies are Broad and Deep

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition

– Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals”


Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion.

– Marxist maxim


Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

– George Orwell, “1984”


I’m just a normal guy who started a blog three years ago, so I won’t claim to be officially credentialed for political commentary. I’m not a boots-on-the-ground reporter or even a writer, per se, although I was published nationally before my blogging career; just primarily pursuant to business and technical concerns.  Regardless, given our times, I feel I’d be remiss for not sharing my personal observations – even if that is all I have: observations.  Hence, the blog.

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“Why do some people act as if making money offended their delicate minds? I am out for a legitimate profit, and not ashamed of it; the fact that people will pay money for my goods and services shows that my work is useful.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.”

George Washington

“Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.”

Albert Einstein

“Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here’s one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population.”

Jeffrey Tucker

Technological Trends are Arrows Pointing Toward Inevitability

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the movie “I, Robot” the actor Will Smith played a detective who distrusted robots. But all of the other characters in the film believed he was paranoid because, after all, what could possibly go wrong?  And therein lies the irony of technology today: The human mind can conceive of the most imaginative ways to apply science while simultaneously ignoring the warnings from history and the pernicious potentialities of Pandora’s Box.

The fifth article I posted on my blog was dated three years ago today. It was titled “How to Transplant a Human Head” and remains, even now, as one of my favorites; perhaps because it so directly addressed the Pandora’s Box of my own fear.  In that article, it was described as follows:

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“Most politicians believe in just one thing – winning elections. They’ll say anything to get in office and stay there.”

Harry Browne

“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”

I.F. Stone

“Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.”

Guy de Maupassant

“Driving jobholders out of office is like the old discredited policy of driving prostitutes out of town. Their places are immediately taken by others who are precisely like them.”

Albert J. Nock

Everyone Wants to Win and Nobody Likes Being Wrong

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The axiomatic adages contained in the title of this article would be labeled as common sense by most Americans; especially Americans because, in the United States, everyone loves a winner.  It’s also true no one ever wins by being wrong – unless in the instances of dumb luck or corruption and these never ensure long-lasting success.

Of course, the inverse of this article’s title would be: Everyone wants to be right and nobody likes to lose. And, particularly, in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. The shining city on a hill.

Such are the stories we tell ourselves.

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“The more laws, the less justice.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

“America rules the world – by force.”

Harry Browne

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk’.”

Harry Browne

“If you feel driven to feed the poor, get your checkbook out and keep your tyrannical mouth shut about it.”

Lewis Goldberg

Just when you think you own your own private property…

Guest Post by Simon Black

The year was 1967. Ronald Reagan had just become governor of California. Aretha Franklin was belting out R-E-S-P-E-C-T on the radio. Marxist revolutionary leader Che Guevara was captured and executed in Bolivia.

And a restaurant chain called The White Spot opened its newest location in Denver, Colorado.

It was a popular diner; the White Spot served pancakes and milkshakes to customers for decades, and ownership of the Denver location eventually changed hands when an entrepreneur named Tom Messina bought the diner in 1999.

He changed the name from the White Spot to Tom’s Diner, and he’s been serving Denver customers for the last 20 years.

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Did U.S. Attorney General Barr Just Trade James Comey’s “Memogate” for “Spygate”?

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Awakened Americans realize the nation’s system of justice now remains at a crossroads. Either the Deep State cabal including the likes Comey, Clapper, Brennon, McCabe, Clinton, Strozk, Page, Ohr, and others will continue on their book tours and talk show circuits – or they will face prosecution at the whim of U.S. Attorney General William Barr; as the country now awaits reports from Inspector General Michael Horowitz on FISA Abuse and corruption in the Department of Justice; U.S. Attorney John Huber on Clinton Foundation illegalities; and U.S. Attorney John Durham on the origins of Russiagate.

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Five Faulty Premises of Russiagate

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Having watched some of the questions to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller by congress on Wednesday July 24, 2019, as well as Mueller’s dithering deflections – it was obvious the entire affair was another distraction; more of the same ongoing circus show.

Of course, no minds were changed. Those on the Left still consider Trump to be a comprised capitalist pig guarding his tax returns with all the fervor of any good Manchurian Candidate and those on the Right still viewing Mueller as a tyrannical tool of the Deep State.

After Mueller’s live testimony, this blogger listened to roughly thirty Americans calling into CNBC with their comments. Of those callers, only three were in support of Trump and with the rest of them effusively expressing gratitude to Mueller for his service in revealing Trump’s threat to American Democracy.

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America’s Well-Documented Decline Amid Wars in the Air

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In 1976, some of the families sharing older ancestral lineages in my hometown were asked to march together in our bicentennial parade.  Although I was at an age where I found it somewhat embarrassing, I did enjoy waving at my friends and schoolmates along the way. Especially the girls.

Although the Saccharine Seventies manifested as a tarnishing patina on the silver platter of Norman Rockwell’s America, much of the shine still remained then in my hometown; even in the years before Ronald Reagan’s repolishing as the table was set again for his 1984 “Morning in America” commercial.

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It Is What It Is

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

I was in a gathering of folks when a dispute escalated between a husband and wife over what has now become the title of this article.  During our discussion someone recited those words and the wife divulged how much she hated that statement.  After quietly listening to the exchange for a few moments, the husband spoke up and said:  “Well that must be more proof of how opposites attract, because I LOVE that phrase and I say it all the time!

Which may have been part of the reason why the wife disliked the expression, but I wasn’t about to go there.

Instead, I mentioned how that particular shibboleth of sorts was surely defined in the minds of the beholders.  On the one hand, its utterance could be an excuse – even a fatalistic expression derived from laziness or defeatism.  Or, like the purveyor of produce in Ayn Rand’s epic tome, “Atlas Shrugged” – when Dagny Taggart asked the grocery vendor why she didn’t move her product from out of the sun and into the shade and her reply was:  “Because it’s always been that way”.

Oh, the world sucks?  Of course it does.  Why bother.

It is what is.

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“The primary reason for a tariff is that it enables the exploitation of the domestic consumer by a process indistinguishable from sheer robbery.”

Albert J. Nock

“Ask not what the government can do for you. Ask what the government is doing to you.”

David Friedman

“An armed society is a polite society.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe, unused.”

Gandalf the Grey

Local government seized countless children based on falsified drug test results

Guest Post by Simon Black

Here is our weekly roll-up of bizarre and disturbing stories from around the world.

1. Local government seized countless children based on falsified drug test results

For years, the county of Ozark, Alabama hired a private laboratory to analyze paternity and drug tests.

These were pretty critical tests… because the county would rely on those test results to determine whether or not to take someone’s children away from them.

It turns out that lab’s owner, Brandy Murrah, was FALSIFYING those results.

Instead of running a legitimate operation, Murrah pocketed the money, and faked the test results.

Then she forged a doctor’s signature to certify the results.

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The Lingering Lies of the Liars are Languishing

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In the wake of Robert Mueller’s very bizarre nine-minute press conference on May 29, 2019, there can be no doubt his special counsel investigation was a political sham orchestrated, from the start, to undermine the Trump Presidency and increasingly divide the country.  But the question remains whether or not we are witnessing legitimate legal warfare in the highest offices of American government or a Reality TV Live Action Role Play (LARP) designed to bleed the nation’s brakes before the big stop.

Indeed, for those seeking America’s demise, the Russian Collusion lie is the gift that won’t stop giving because it is, in fact, a wound that won’t ever heal. The damage is done and the psychology is so perfect it had to have happened either by destiny or design.

The seeds of destruction in the Russian collusion narrative remain rooted in the patriotism of both sides. No matter who wins in the end, it will be a pyrrhic victory because the other team will never surrender, accept any terms, or yield any ideological ground.  Any chance of compromise is long past, so it’s all or nothing going forward.  In fact, each side’s patriotism precludes any chance of concession.  The irony therein, of course, is that the entire slate of premises of one side are predicated upon, and perpetuated by, lies and deception.

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