Not Weaponized? Biden DOJ Indicts Whistleblower Prepared To Testify Against 1st Family

Via ZeroHedge

An Israeli whistleblower was indicted by the Biden administration days after detailing extraordinary allegations against the Biden family.

Dr. Gal Luft, the “missing witness” from the Biden corruption investigation, told the NY Post last week that he was arrested in Cyprus to stop him from testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee that the Biden family received payments from individuals linked to Chinese military intelligence, and that they had an FBI mole who shared classified information with the Biden benefactors from the China-controlled energy company CEFC.

“I told the DOJ that Hunter was associated with a very senior retired FBI official who had a distinct physical characteristic—he had one eye,” Luft said.

That FBI official is widely believed to be former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who gave $100,000 to a trust for two of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016 shortly before telling Hunter, “I would be delighted to do future work with you.

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BREAKING! Not only does Biden’s main accuser mysteriously go missing, now the nakedly weaponized DoJ falsely charges the US-Israeli citizen with…..

Via State of the Nation

…arms trafficking and acting as a Chinese agent.

If there’s one story that captures the convoluted complexity and complete corruption of the Biden Crime Family, the bombshell-laden Gal Luft whistleblower exposé is it.

First, read Gal Luft’s various verified tweets in the link below to get a quick understanding of just how dangerous he is to Joe Biden’s international crime syndicate that was stealthily set up by his son Hunter Biden and covertly managed by his brother James Biden.

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