The Campaign for the Destruction of the West Has Succeeded

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Here is my friend, Balint Vazsonyi, concert pianist, playing Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto, my favorite rendition. Balint escaped from Soviet Hungary during the defeated Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and established himself in the West as a top rank concert pianist.

On Washington weekends in order to introduce my young son to the remnants of civilized life, we would go to the residence of Balint and his highly musically talented wife, Barbara, and Balint and Barbara would play for us. Then we would go to a French restaurant and enjoy the haute cuisine that can no longer be found in American restaurants. My son learned how to order, but what we ordered is no longer available.

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The Moral Conscience of the Western World Has Been Silenced

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn “was undone” by being accused of antisemitism.  Ask yourself why anyone should be ruined by such a meaningless accusation.

To be an anti-semite all you have to do is to make a criticism, no matter how small or how legitimate, of any Israeli policy.  If your moral conscience is assaulted by, for example, Israel’s massacre of Palestinians in the open air concentration camp in which Israel keeps them pinned up, and you express your legitimate feelings against such inhumanity, you are an anti-semite.  By definition, anyone with a moral conscience is an anti-semite.

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