Democrats Reveal They Have Planted Dynamite All Around Nation And Will Blow It Up If Biden Isn’t Elected

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—In an address to the nation written using letters cut out from a magazine and glued to paper, the Democrats are offering their most persuasive case yet for Biden’s election. According to the letter, Democrats have planted booby traps rigged with dynamite all throughout the country, and they are set to explode if Biden is not elected president.

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The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins

Guest Post by John Davidson

The Left Is Setting The Stage For A Coup If Trump Wins

Under the guise of planning for right-wing violence if Trump loses, Democrats are gaming out how to steal the election if Trump wins.

It’s been hard to miss the steady drumbeat of articles and think-pieces over the past few months about Election Day war games and post-election planning underway on the left, rooted in obsessive fears that President Trump will refuse to accept an electoral loss, triggering a constitutional crisis and maybe even widespread civic unrest, all in a desperate attempt to cling to power.

“The Left Secretly Preps for MAGA Violence After Election Day,” reads a recent headline at The Daily Beast. “Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?” asks another recent piece at The Nation. “Is America in the Early Stages of Armed Insurgency?” frets Slate. Similar pieces have run at the Washington Post (“The election will likely spark violence—and a constitutional crisis”), The Atlantic (“What might he do? What should Americans fear?”), Vox (“Imagine that… Donald Trump refuses to concede defeat”), The New Yorker (“Trump’s threats about rejecting the results come November are not idle”), and on and on.

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When There are No Consequences for Anything

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The Democratic Party with its deep state auxiliaries begins to look like a monstrous hybrid of Matt Taibbi’s fabled Vampire Squid and the skulking Kraken of the maelstrom, devouring the innards of our republic in its deep, dark depths one institution at a time while a storm rages on the surface and citizens eyelids flutter in horror, frozen like sleepers in the paralysis of a nightmare, at the rising havoc and ruin. Or, to put it plainly: what the fuck is going on in America?

Ongoing sedition is the answer, with fetid slime trails across the political landscape everywhere you look. We’re informed hours ago, for instance, that the top lawyers in Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel operation wiped all the records from their cell phones before the DOJ Inspector General could collect evidence of their communications from the SC team’s three-year exercise in overthrowing a president. How is that not an obstruction of justice, and who will answer for it?

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The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their back pocket. Based upon our computer projections for Panic Cycles starting in November and running into February, yet predominantly in December and February, I do not see the Democrats accepting a loss should Trump win. They will turn the nation into a street fight rather than a court battle. They will assume they will lose in the Supreme Court, so they are actually trying to stage a coup d’etat and blame a Trump victory on another Russian interference. If Biden loses, the plan is to blame Russia and as the military to remove Trump.

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Democrats Have Planned a Coup If Trump Wins Reelection

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Under the pretext that President Trump will not step down if he loses reelection, Democrats and the military/security complex created the Transition Integrity Project.  The plan they have worked out is to take the presidency regardless of the vote.  Trump’s win is to be blamed on vote fraud, and Biden/Kamala are forbidden to concede their defeat.  Instead, the presstitutes will conduct a propaganda campaign against Trump alleging election fraud in order to cast Trump’s reelection in doubt.

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