Teacheth Us to War: A Biblical Primer on Spiritual Warfare, Part III

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio Eruditusdfreality.substack.com
On demons & deliverance from the kingdom of darkness…

“For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall PREPARE himself to the battle?”

― 1st Epistle to the Corinthians 14:8 KJV

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In previous installments of this series, I have laid a robust foundation for understanding the necessity and the nature of spiritual warfare: our journey through the armamentarium of the Faith is far from over however. In this third and final entry, we turn our focus to the practical and theological aspects of exorcism, also called deliverance; an often misunderstood yet crucial aspect of spiritual warfare. It is not enough to recognize the existence of our spiritual enemies — we must also be adept in the tactics that Scripture prescribes for their defeat.

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