Via Ben Garrison

Watch As Amazon Deletes Hundreds Of One-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton’s New Book

Tyler Durden's picture


In what many have dubbed a flagrant intervention by Amazon itself to seemingly boost the rating of Hillary Clinton’s new book, the Telegraph first reported, and subsequently many others observed first hand, that Amazon has been monitoring and deleting 1-star reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book “which was greeted with a torrent of criticism on the day it was released.”

Reviews of What Happened have been mixed, with some accusing Clinton of using it as an opportunity to blame others – such as former FBI head James Comey, Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, social media and pretty much everything else – for her failure, rather than herself. Even The New York Times, which supported Clinton’s campaign, wrote that the book is “a score-settling jubilee”.

What is fascinating, is how few one-star reviews have remained on the website amid reports and screengrabs showing that reviewers used the space to criticise the former First Lady. One one-star review, which remained on the website earlier today, read: “Read all the promotional excerpts, which combined come close to book length – pretty good novel. It is fiction, isn’t it? Surely, someone is playing a joke.” Another wrote “Picked this book up at Wal-Mart out of sheer morbid curiosity. Returned it, claiming I bought the wrong book”

Cliché Series # 3: Dissimulators Dispersing Disingenuous Dangers

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The 2016 Presidential Election was quite the spectacle. During the primaries we watched Donald Trump go politically-incorrect Rambo on sixteen milquetoast republicans whose names I can’t recall right now.  During the Democratic Primaries, Bernie “Santa Claus” Sanders kept winning state after state; yet the superdelegates all fell into Hillary’s column.  In fact, after Sanders won eight out of nine primary contests by double digits, Clinton received more superdelegates in an electioneering process that even the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, admitted was rigged for the politically elite against “grassroots” candidates.  What a con.

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Dirty Politics

Guest Post by Ben Garrison

Robert Mueller is used to dirt. He was complicit in pushing the non-existent Iraq connection to 9-11, which was a lie concocted by Vice President Dick Cheney. (The power behind George W. Bush’s throne). It was a fabrication that led to the death of a half million people. He defended the Patriot Act, torture and unlimited surveillance of the American people. He didn’t question the phony, ‘official’ 9-11 narrative. Like his corrupt associate Comey, Mueller is a Deep State collaborator. 
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Cliché Series # 1: The Proverbial Volume in the Glass

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

I like to collect thoughts.  For me, it’s no different than someone who collects baseball cards, or antiques, or classic cars, or books, or coins.  In all of these examples, the collector finds value in the collected.  The value may be manifested as monetary worth, private enjoyment, personal or professional significance, of educational benefit, or, of course, in many other ways.  Very often the thoughts collected in me noggin are delivered in the form of clichés.  For many people, especially writers, the fact that a saying has been handed down through many generations, or shared by millions of others, tends to detract from its overall value; or, at the very least, is considered as somehow “less than” the same concept formulated into original wording or revealed in an otherwise novel manner.

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Several weeks ago I had to drive west on the Pennsylvania Turnpike to pick up my son after his sophomore year at Penn State. I’ve made this trip a dozen times over the last few years, since this is my second son attending Penn State, with a third starting in the Fall. It’s a tedious, boring, protracted, four hour trek through the rural countryside of the Keystone State. During these trips my mind wanders, making connections between the landscape and the pressing issues facing the world. I can’t help but get lost in my thoughts as the miles accumulate like dollars on the national debt clock.

More often than not I end up making the trip in the midst of bad weather. And this time was no different. The Pennsylvania Turnpike is a meandering, decades old, dangerous, mostly two lane highway for most of its 360 mile span. Large swaths of the decaying interstate are under construction, as the narrative about lack of infrastructure spending is proven false by visual proof along the highways and byways of America.


Hillary Clinton Told FBI’s Mueller To Deliver Uranium To Russians In 2009 “Secret Plane-Side Tarmac Meeting”

Authored by Shepard Ambellas via,

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium (HEU) previously confiscated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) during a 2006 “nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices,” a newly leaked classified cable shows.

So-called “background” information was provided in the cable which gave vague details on a 2006 nuclear smuggling sting operation in which the U.S. government took possession of some HEU previously owned by the Russians.

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