The mRNAs didn’t end Covid, Omicron did

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The proof in one amazing chart

Sometimes the answer just needs to be color-coded.

For years, mRNA advocates have tried to give the jabs credit for ending the pandemic, despite massive evidence they stopped working within months and the observational data showing lower deaths among the vaccinated is hopelessly biased.

But earlier this month, the Society of Actuaries released an updated report on deaths during the pandemic that shows what really slayed Covid.

Spoiler alert: it didn’t come from Pfizer or Moderna.

The Society of Actuaries (actual slogan: Empower Your Actuarial Journey) is a 30,000-member group of, you guessed it, actuaries – the folks who help insurance companies assess risk. Every few months, it has put out reports on trends in American deaths during Covid.

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