FDA Authorizes New Covid-19 Shots From Pfizer, Moderna

Via ZeroHedge

The matrix keeps glitching…

Now that only the most mentally unstable liberals are demanding that the government protect them from near certain death by forcing them to wear face diapers that don’t – and have never – worked, on the afternoon of September 11 US drug regulators – many of whom are undoubtedly hoping to get a job offer at either Pfizer or Moderna as soon as they quit the public sector – authorized new COVID-19 vaccines to try to counter the poor effectiveness the current slate provide.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared shots from Moderna and Pfizer that will be available to Americans as young as 6 months of age later this month. It’s a different question if anyone will take said shots following the recent newsflow suggesting that the side effects of the covid shots are far more dangerous than the so-called “vaccine” which doesn’t actually prevent infection.

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Americans Divided As Mask Mandates Make Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

Titles to articles like this infuriate me. By adapting to their narrative, you play right into their fear narrative. More than half the population are clueless idiot sheep who will do as instructed by their overlords. There is no fucking surge in Covid-19 cases. First of all, all the left wing narrative spewers (NYT, Johns Hopkins, WEF) stopped tracking Covid cases in March 2023 because their narrative was kaput.

None of them are tracking cases, so how do they know cases are surging? The only site doing any tracking is the corrupt murderous CDC. They are tracking hospitalizations, supposedly from Covid. But we all know the game. Anyone in the hospital with another illness who tests positive (through a worthless PCR test) is then classified as being in the hospital for Covid. The bullshit never stops. So here is a graph of the “surge” from the CDC website.

There are 12,852 people in the entire country in the hospital with covid. That is .0004% of the population. That is down 70% from the beginning of 2023. It is down 40% from March 2023 when all the left wing propagandists stopped tracking cases. And it’s down 91% from the beginning of 2022. None of these facts matter to the narrative spinners. And the same sheep who complied with mask mandates will comply again, because they’re too fucking stupid to do five minutes of research and realize the narrative is complete and utter bullshit.
Authored by Joe Gomez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

People wear masks at an indoor mall in The Oculus in lower Manhattan on the day that a mask mandate went into effect in New York, on Dec. 13, 2021. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) 

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