Contagious Vaccines: A Warning

Guest Post by

For two decades scientists have been quietly developing self-spreading contagious vaccines. The NIH funded this research, in which either DNA from a deadly pathogen is packaged in a contagious but less harmful virus, or the deadly virus’s lethality is weakened by engineering it in a lab.

The resultant “vaccines” spread from one person to the next just like a contagious respiratory virus. Only five percent of regional populations would need to be immunized; the other ninety-five percent would “catch” the vaccine as it spread person-to-person through community transmission.

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Masculinity Bad

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1.”contagious vaccines”

Scientists are apparently working on the next generation of vaccine tech: contagious vaccines.

That’s right stage two in the war on the unvaccinated is here.

Sorry, not the war the on the unvaccinated, the war on pandemics.

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