Where’s America’s Conor McGregor?

Guest Post by T.L. Davis

Western governments around the globe, bastions of free speech and liberty, towers of diversity of thought and dedicated to truth have been compromised by a globalist sect determined to destroy the unification, the coalescing behind these values that has taken place over a couple of centuries. These governments that rose on the power of these simple principles have rejected the will of the people, first with their responses to the pandemic, which I contend were tests of how far they could go before encountering violence. Second, they allowed unrestricted immigration from third-world nations, mostly Islamic.

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Conor McGregor Brands Irish Leader “A Disgrace” For Claiming Hamas Child Hostage Was “Lost”

Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

UFC star Conor McGregor has continued his flurry of offence against the Irish government, branding the Prime Minster Leo Varadkar “a disgrace” over comments made about a child who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

The five time world champion responded to a post on X made by Varadkar about Emily Hand who was returned to her family over the weekend.

Varadkar described the child as being “lost” and claimed she “has now been found and returned.”

McGregor noted that the 8-year-old child was “abducted by an evil terrorist organisation,” adding “What is with you and your government and your paid for media affiliates constantly down playing / attempting to repress horrific acts that happen to children.”

The MMA legend continued, “You are a disgrace. The day after a stabbing of children in Ireland, NOT ONE PAPER HAD IT ON THEIR FRONT COVER. We will not forget.”

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