Doug Casey on Why the Carbon Hysteria is a Huge Threat to Your Personal Freedom and Financial Wellbeing

Via International Man

International Man: Western countries are leading the charge in restructuring their economies around the issue of climate change. They’re committed to a comprehensive agenda to “decarbonize” their economies by 2050.

What’s your take on this?

Doug Casey: To sum it up in one word, it’s insane. In two words, it’s criminally insane.

Before the Industrial Revolution, the overwhelmingly major fuel source was wood. After that, we went to coal, which was a big improvement in density of energy and economics. Then, we went to oil, another huge improvement in energy density and economics.

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But profit (sort of) matters

Submitted by: aka.attrition

Source: ConciousnessOfSheep

The notable – but largely unacknowledged in the mainstream – feature of the recent (failing) attempt to revive the pre-1972 moon landing project is the way in which modern rockets have proved susceptible to all of the problems which beset the Saturn V in the 1960s. Nor is this a mere technicality. The reason that the Apollo programme was brought to a premature end in December 1972 was that it had run into an invisible economic limit. To people – including most economists – who have learned to think of the economy as a purely financial system, this sounds mean. We can always find the money to fight wars and bail out banks, so why shouldn’t we divert money into a scientific endeavour which might (it won’t) act as a launch pad for humanity’s journey to the stars?

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Three Graphs That Show There Is No ‘Climate Crisis’

Via The Daily Sceptic

As the West fitfully weakens industrial civilisation by trying to eliminate oil, coal and natural gas as energy sources, the scientific basis for Net Zero is based more on ‘general agreement’ than hard data. Climate scientists nevertheless sound optimistic about the progress that’s being made in destroying society’s carbon energy base.

There are of course criticisms of the idea of a carbon-dioxide-induced apocalypse, largely supported as it is by general circulation (i.e., whole-earth) planetary models. There are too many different GCMs all with too many free parameters (aka ‘fudge factors’), as well as wildly divergent readings of historical climate records: Are violent climate events really more frequent, and how does weather actually relate to climate? The popular press cries havoc, but the data are not so clear. The looming economic costs of a Net Zero target are leading to some political pushback. Nevertheless, the recent jury acquittal of nine Extinction Rebellion vandals shows that passionate belief in the imminent dangers of CO2 is not limited to activists.

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Here’s Why the Renewable Energy Agenda Won’t Work… And What It Means For Investors

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

We are reminded of the below words of wisdom…

We noticed lately an uptick in analysis and commentary that is questioning the climate change narrative. Pieces like this one:

Clearly this climate change narrative/ideology too shall pass like every fad, but it will take time. This is ok. It just means that we will see the fossil fuel sector (oil, gas, coal, and related services) continually outperform the S&P 500 over the next 10+ years.

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Claimed ‘99% Consensus’ on Climate Change Demolished by New Report

Via The Daily Sceptic

The invented political notion that 99% of climate scientists believe humans have caused all or most recent global warming has been dealt another significant blow. A group of Israeli scientists has examined the widely-publicised claim by the climate activist Mark Lynas that there is a 99% ‘consensus’ that humans cause most warming. Led by Yonatan Dubi, Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Ben Gurion University, the scientists found that massive flaws and biases riddled the Lynas work, implying the conclusions of the study do not follow from the data.

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U.S. Government Has an Accurate Measure of U.S. Temperature That Shows No Recent Warming But It’s Hidden

Via The Daily Sceptic

Government-controlled surface datasets, the bedrock of climate thermogeddon fears promoting Net Zero, cannot possibly be accurate, and are only “an estimate with high uncertainty”. The claim comes from the noted U.S. meteorologist Anthony Watts, who has spent the last decade highlighting the numerous flaws built into global temperature monitoring systems. Data are collected by government bodies from a weather station network, “that was never intended to detect a ‘global warming signal’”, notes Watts. He goes on to call for a new independent global climate database. Given that governments are spending billions of taxpayer dollars on climate mitigation programmes, “doesn’t it make sense to get the most important thing – the actual temperature – as accurate as possible”, he asks.

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The climate emergency bullshit is nothing but a money making scam for the global elite, who continue to fly in private jets and own mansions that use more energy than entire towns of peasants.

Has the Sea Level Really Risen?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

NASA claims: Over the past 100 years, global temperatures have risen about 1 degree C (1.8 degrees F), with sea-level response to that warming totaling about 160 to 210 mm (with about half of that amount occurring since 1993), or about 6 to 8 inches. And the current rate of sea-level rise is unprecedented over the past several millennia.

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