The Consequences of Civility

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It is difficult for people who respect civilities to be other-than-civil, even toward uncivilized people. This is a weakness that has led to the widespread incivility of our times. It is a mistake based upon the erroneous assumption of fair-play and well-intendedness. It is the same mistake made by a man who gets into a fight with someone who does not play by the rules. Who fails to grasp that in a fight, there are no rules.

There is only win – or lose – when you’re forced to fight.

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Oh Good, We’re Doing The Civility Thing Again

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Oh Good, We’re Doing The Civility Thing Again

So, Donald Trump, Jr., retweeted a mean tweet about Grandpa Badfinger and the usual suspects went through their collective panty wetting again. “Civility is important,” we barbarians are duly informed, because of course it is. But we have noticed, over time, that in reality it only seems to be important when we are the ones breaching it. For us, it is open season. We have a big target on our collective back for the vilest slanders and the most ridiculous lies, but apparently that’s OK. “Civility” apparently only raises it’s well-coiffed, Romney-esque head when we breach it.

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