A Guide To Cannabis In The US

Via ZeroHedge

Providing an overview of the status of cannabis in the U.S. is challenging at best. On the federal level, things are fairly straight forward. Cannabis is federally illegal and has been for 88 years and counting. But, as Visual Capitalist’s Avery Koop and Aran Ali detail below, getting down to the state level, however, changes things.

This map from Tenacious Labs breaks down the legal status of cannabis across every U.S. state, and details how lenient each one is when it comes to criminalization.

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Arizona Sells Over $1.23 Billion of Marijuana During First Year of Legalization

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The state of Arizona saw $1.23 billion in sales after legalizing recreational marijuana one year ago. This figure does not include December’s final reporting. Medical marijuana accounted for $703 million in purchases while recreational produced $528 million. The state will collect over $196 million on those earnings, with a good percentage going to education.

The Marijuana Excise Tax will contribute $92.9 million to community colleges and health departments, while $7.3 million will go toward an education sales tax. “Rarely does an industry produce over $1.2 billion in revenue in its first year. This number shows that the legalization of cannabis is something Arizonans believe strongly in and the many benefits it contributes to the state’s economy,” Samuel Richard, the executive director of the Arizona Dispensaries Association, said in a press release.

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Cannabis Extracts Will Propel Industry’s Rise

Via International Man


Longtime readers will remember the first time I put cannabis investing on your radar.

That was over two years ago.

At the time, there were only a couple dozen publicly traded cannabis companies. Today, there are over 300.

New ones seem to be popping up each week. Others are merely adding “cannabis” or cannabis-related words to their company names to tap into the green gold rush.

It’s reminiscent of previous manias in crypto, uranium, and junior gold miners.

The truth is, most publicly traded cannabis companies are junk with abysmal financials.

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The next big investment trend is on sale right now

Guest Post by Simon Black

In July 1994, an ex-hedge fund VP left his cushy Wall Street job and started a new company called Cadabra, Inc.

He wanted to capitalize on an emerging trend that was called the “Information Superhighway” back then, what we now know today as the Internet.

Cadabra was an early ‘dot-com’ company. But as more and more people started accessing the Internet in the mid-1990s, the number of dot-com companies exploded.

Before long, there were countless entrepreneurs raising billions of dollars and taking their dot-com companies public.

Most of these companies were losing tons of money and had no hope of ever turning a profit.

But investors didn’t care. The Internet was the next big thing, and the stock prices of even the stupidest dot-com companies were soaring to record highs.

The bubble eventually burst. Investors collectively lost more than $5 trillion as the share prices of dot-com companies plummeted. Most dot-coms went out of business altogether.

Cadabra was one of the few dot-com businesses that survived the crash. But by then, of course, it had already changed its name to Amazon.

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The 6,000-Year History of Medical Cannabis

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist

View the high resolution version of today’s graphic by clicking here.

Since the early 20th century, the use of cannabis for any purpose fell out of favor by both regulators and Western culture at large.

In the United States, a wave of regulations made access to cannabis more difficult starting from the late 1900s, ultimately culminating in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, which effectively made cannabis use a federal offense. Meanwhile, prohibition in Canada lasted for 85 years until being lifted by recent developments.

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