How often do USC basketball players get cardiac arrests?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I checked with Google Bard. Looks like only 1 USC player every 100 years, on average will have a cardiac arrest. So how can there be 2 in the last year?

USC basketball player Vincent Iwuchukwu looks on from the court in his first USC game on January 12 at Galen Center in Los Angeles.
(Jayne Kamin-Oncea/Getty Images/File)

Executive summary

Based on overall statistics, it appears that USC should normally expect to see about 1 cardiac arrest of a basketball player every 100 years or so.

So two events within a 12 month period is statistically highly unlikely. This means there is an external cause.

The last time it happened, a year ago with Vincent Iwuchukwu, doctors never found the cause. To this day, it remains an unsolved medical mystery.

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