How do we Reach the Brainwashed?

Guest Post by VN Alexander

You may recall that, during the thick of it in 2020-2021, Covidians were immune—no, that’s not the right metaphor—they were allergic to facts. They did not respond well even to the common sense statement that, since the C0Vld-19 shots hadn’t been through long-term trials, it might be unwise to take one.

Like terrorized lab animals dosed with flight, fight or freeze chemicals, some cannot unlearn what they got from the news in 2020. They suffer from PTSD. Like veterans who jump at the sound of a car backfiring, associating any loud noises with bombs raining down on them, they are still in the midst of the War on C0v1d. Today, if you happen to say, I will not comply with any new mask or vax mandates, they will imagine that you are the Nazi fascist enemy. That’s just how their brains work now.

In his latest article, satirist and recently convicted thought-criminal, C. J. Hopkins—fearing the return of lockdowns and even nastier mandates—writes,

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