Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In the video “Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity,” Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, interviews experts in the field of neuroplasticity about how human brain enhancement can help, and potentially harm, humanity
  • The panel includes neuroscientists Takao Hensch and John Krakauer, as well as entrepreneur Brett Wingeier, co-founder and CEO of Magnus Medical
  • They explore the potential of various tools, including pharmaceuticals, transcranial stimulation and even video games, to reopen critical learning windows and harness the brain’s ability to rewire itself
  • Scientists are looking into how to reopen critical windows in the brain to enhance recovery from stroke, treat depression and even learn new skills, like attaining absolute pitch
  • The brain’s development and learning pathways are highly complex; artificially manipulating these pathways might lead to unintended consequences with serious human health, ethical and social implications

In the video “Rewiring the Brain: The Promise and Peril of Neuroplasticity,” Brian Greene, a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University, interviews experts in the field of neuroplasticity about how human brain enhancement can help, and potentially harm, humanity.1

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