Via State of the Nation

The Greatest Bankster-Run
Scam Of The Third Millennium

Submitted by A Former Financial Planner, Investment Broker, Commodities Trader & Business Consultant

Let’s start with the alleged developer of Bitcoin—Satoshi Nakamoto.

Really, Satoshi Nakamoto or his clandestine group of bitcoiners created the first decentralized cryptocurrency where nodes in the peer-to-peer bitcoin network verify transactions through cryptography and then record them in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain.

What an incredibly stupid but very dangerous financial joke!

Who the fuck is CIA agent or NSA operative or DARPA asset Satoshi Nakamoto?  Oh, that’s who he/they really is/are?!

And yet so many blockchain blockheads fall for this transparent scam of the millennium.

First of all, Bitcoin is anything but a currency since bonafide currencies cannot exhibit such crazy price volatility …. but don’t try t tell a bitcoiner that.

Continue reading “THE BITCOIN PSYOP: Watch out!”

The Ruse of Bitcoin & Crypto

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

BlackRock CEO & World Economic Forum Trustee Board Member
Larry Fink Turns Bullish on Bitcoin

Larry Fink has changed his tune on crypto, saying suddenly it could “revolutionize finance,” endorsing an industry he once viewed with skepticism. Of course, as a board member of Scwab’s WEF, the crypto zealots cheered. Still, they think that Bitcoin can replace the dollar and end inflation, which they think is the result of paper money. That only reveals their own ignorance of what money is and the role it has played since the dawn of civilization.

Continue reading “The Ruse of Bitcoin & Crypto”