‘Stain on Democracy’: 25 Richest People in U.S. Paid True Tax Rate of Just 3.4%

Guest Post by Jake Johnson

According to an analysis released today, the country’s 735 billionaires have seen their collective wealth soar by 62% over the past two years while worker earnings have grown just 10%.

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An analysis released today shows that the country’s 735 billionaires have seen their collective wealth soar by 62% over the past two years while worker earnings have grown just 10%, modest gains eaten away by the rising costs of food, housing and other necessities.

According to new calculations by Oxfam America, U.S. billionaires now own a combined $4.7 trillion in wealth, much of which goes completely untaxed. As ProPublica recently found in an examination of data from the Internal Revenue Service — an agency that disproportionately targets the poor — the 25 richest people in the U.S. paid a true tax rate of just 3.4% from 2014 to 2018.

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A man's got to know his limitations (HD) - YouTube

As I’ve been observing the actions and justifications of men like Jerome Powell, Anthony Fauci, Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden and Donald Trump during this self-inflicted global depression, I can’t help but channel the iconic American actor Clint Eastwood and his most famous role – Dirty Harry, when assessing whether they have an understanding of their limitations. If a man doesn’t know his limitations, he can ruin his own life.

When men in positions of immense power don’t know their limitations, they can ruin the world, destroying the lives of millions and propelling the world towards a catastrophic financial collapse and likely global conflict. Our benevolent leaders act as if they know what is best for mankind, when they are actually flailing about blindly, corrupted by their own power and wealth, leading us on a path to destruction, because their immense egos won’t allow them to humbly admit their dreadful mistakes and take corrective actions.



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