Maher: If Trump Goes To Jail There Will Be A Racial Civil War

Authored by Steve Watson via,

HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher has predicted that if Donald Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.

“Here’s the key question: Is he going to go to jail? Would this judge dare do that?” Maher said, adding “And should he? I heard some people say if his name wasn’t Donald Trump he would definitely get jail time.”

“MAGA nation will go nuts. I don’t know if that’s a reason to or not to do something, but they will,” Maher continued during the discussion with former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod.

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“These People Are F**king Nuts And You Should Be Calling Them Out”: Bill Maher Snaps At Neil deGrasse Tyson Over Woke College Campuses

Via ZeroHedge

Bill Maher just destroyed liberal science icon Neil deGrasse Tyson over the latter’s refusal to call out college students over woke, anti-free-speech temper tantrums on campuses nationwide.

Tyson, never a fan of staying in his lane, lamented that Maher had ‘abandoned college campuses’ to perform stand-up comedy due to woke kids, to which Maher replied “every comedian has … literally everyone.”

Tyson then asked Maher how he would approach comedy if he was a young comedian today.

“Would you just develop a whole other comedic repertoire that does not end up having people picket outside your thing? Are you just transposed and you’re not adjusting to the shifting terrain?” – Implying that Maher should craft a woke-friendly routine that seeks not to offend anyone. “So, why is it their fault (the students) and not your fault?

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New Rule: Along for the Pride

Bill Maher is, of course a liberal. However, he is at least (mostly) an honest one and, he calls out things as they are. Even on the woke left.

If you don’t get a good laugh out of some of this 9 minute monologue as I did well, I guess you need a cocktail! 😉

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Watch: Bill Maher Blasts “Intellectual Cowardice” Of Those Who “Just Fall In Line” With Woke Madness

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Comedian Bill Maher has labeled those who choose to go along with woke nonsense as “intellectual cowards.”

Maher made the comments in an interview with Piers Morgan, noting “Nobody ever get canceled for being too woke.”

“So you can say the craziest thing, like ‘men can have babies’ and then nobody will — even though people are thinking, ‘well, that’s kind of nuts,’ nobody will say it. They’ll just fall in line,” Maher noted.

“‘Uh, yeah, exactly, that’s what I’ve always thought,’” Maher said, mocking those who know what they are agreeing with is insane.

“‘Sure. I saw a dude who was glowing yesterday.’ And that’s the problem.” he added.

Maher then agreed with Morgan that people go along along with it because they’ve seen others get “Hounded out of jobs — they think, ‘I don’t want it to happen to me.’”


Continue reading “Watch: Bill Maher Blasts “Intellectual Cowardice” Of Those Who “Just Fall In Line” With Woke Madness”

How To Trigger Your Favorite Leftists And Send Them Into A Meltdown In Less Than Sixty Seconds

Via The Blue State Conservative

Not new, but worth the fifty-six seconds. It is a small island of sanity in a crazy world, and once again, it is coming from a strange place. The mouth of Bill Maher.

Continue reading “How To Trigger Your Favorite Leftists And Send Them Into A Meltdown In Less Than Sixty Seconds”

Bill Maher Has A Learning Disability

Via the Blue State Conservative

I’ve been reading on a regular basis about how amazing it is that even Bill Maher is slapping back at the left. I’ve even been convinced that he might be on the verge of turning his back on the Democratic Party. That’s nonsense. Continue reading “Bill Maher Has A Learning Disability”

“A Catastrophic Moral Crime” – Bari Weiss & Bill Maher ‘Say The Quiet Part Out Loud’ On Leftist COVID Policies

Via ZeroHedge

HBO host Bill Maher and writer Bari Weiss received a somewhat-surprising rapturous round of applause from the mostly liberal audience during Friday’s show after they dropped truth-bomb after truth-bomb into the pool of dissonance that remains among blinkered leftists unable to think for themselves about COVID risks and see beyond the “I must zealously support anything and everything that Fauci or Biden say or I am a Trumper” mindset.

Ahead of the Friday night show, Maher told Deadline magazine that “I feel like COVID is still the dominate issue of our lives right now and it should not be anymore.”

“I’m over COVID,” Maher continued.

“I was never scared of it. I was always scared of the reaction to it, and as this has played out that only proved to be more true for me. I’m sure many people feel different, but that’s me. It was never that virulent a threat, I thought, to people who were in good health.”

Continue reading ““A Catastrophic Moral Crime” – Bari Weiss & Bill Maher ‘Say The Quiet Part Out Loud’ On Leftist COVID Policies”

Bill Maher Slams Google, Facebook for Censoring Content That Doesn’t Align With Government-Sanctioned COVID Narrative

Via Children’s Health Defense

Bill Maher said in a video that YouTube has no business censoring information on COVID treatments like ivermectin, or evidence that the SARS-CoV2 may have escaped from a lab.

Comedian Bill Maher said in a video on “Real Time” it’s “outrageous” social media platforms are censoring content on ivermectin.

Comedian Bill Maher said in a video on “Real Time” it’s “outrageous” social media platforms are censoring content on ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug proven effective to treat COVID.

Maher also criticized social media censorship of content suggesting the SARS-CoV2 virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Maher referenced comments by Google’s head of health division, David Feinberg, who told a Wall Street Journal reporter in June that Google doesn’t autofill searches for “coronavirus lab leak” because it doesn’t want to lead “people down pathways” to information that’s not “authoritative.”

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Leftist Bill Maher: “Learn To Live With Each Other Or There Will Be Blood!”

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Left-leaning HBO host Bill Maher said that he believes the divisiveness among Americans could potentially spark another civil war.

The comedian and staunch critic of President Trump made the declaration on his latest HBO show Friday.

“Lately we’ve been hearing more and more about a second Civil War, which sounds impossible in this modern affluent country. It is not,” said the “Real Time with Bill Maher”.

Continue reading “Leftist Bill Maher: “Learn To Live With Each Other Or There Will Be Blood!””



Poor Bill

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