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Machete-Wielding Ecuadorian Illegal Arrested After Brutal Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl In NY

Via ZeroHedge

An illegal migrant from Ecuador has been arrested by the NYPD following a broad daylight rape in which police say a man wielding a machete approached two 13-year-olds in a Queens park, a boy and a girl – tied them together by the wrists, and then raped the girl. He allegedly then stole their cell phones and ran off.

Attached is a photo of the migrant who was arrested for sexual assault. His clothes are ripped, he is missing one of his shoes, and he is bruised up after residents subdued him and called 911. (Fox News)


According to Fox News, police arrested the man on Monday evening in connection with the crime, after neighbors recognized him from a wanted poster – then held him down and called 911.

According to Fox News, he entered the US illegally in 2021 – the year President Joe Biden reversed former President Trump’s immigration reforms on day one of his presidency.

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