Surprise, Surprise!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Joe Biden is the walking embodiment of the exhausted American Establishment. More and more people have simply lost their faith in our Ruling Class. You could scarcely have a more potent symbol of its impotence.” Rod Dreher

Just before the weekend, a political prairie fire raced across a nation buffaloed, blind-sided, and buried deeply in bullshit, and the little critters who inhabit the landscape are still running around with their fur smoldering. What a surprise that “Joe Biden,” the mentally-disabled pretend-president, fell apart in the debate spotlight for all to see, like Captain Queeg in his fateful witness chair, or William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes trial (1925), or the Wizard of Oz when little Toto drew the curtain back — a brutal revelation of stark truth about how things actually are.

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Biden campaign’s future hinges on his wife

Via RT

The first lady is the only person who can persuade the US president to drop out of the race, a source told the network

US President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with his family following a disastrous debate with Republican challenger Donald Trump, NBC News reported on Saturday. The network cited sources as saying the only opinion that can influence Biden’s decision will be that of his wife, Jill.

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Quick Take…Are they going to replace Biden?

Via Off-Guardian

Ever since Joe Biden’s senior moments were broadcast nationwide in the first Presidential Debate of 2024, everyone has been talking about replacing him as the Democratic nominee.

And I mean everyone.

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Biden to be Replaced come August

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The nut-job liberal base that wanted to flood the country with future Democrats is angered. Yet, Biden justifiably won’t get credit for his brand-new get-tough approach that comes way too late to mollify fed-up Americans when the country has been flooded with unskilled people he has given FREE healthcare to and logging at the expense of taxpayers who he wants to raise taxes on all the time.

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