4 Things You Must Do Before Deciding How Much to Save for Retirement

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group | Reading time: 6 minutes

It’s the eternal question for Americans who hope to stop working one day: “How much should I save before I retire?”

The problem with the question, there are so many different answers it’ll make your head spin.

Let’s take three (of many) examples to illustrate this:

First, you might consider the popular “4% rule,” which was summarized on Investopedia along standard assumptions:

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Baby boomers commit the ‘7 deadly sins’ of retirement planning

Guest Post by Brett Arends

The lights have been green for the baby boomers all their lives.

They were born just after World War II, between 1946 and 1964, and raised during the biggest, most sustained economic boom in human history.

They were sent to college, and grad school, by their doting parents when it was still cheap — or nearly free.

And then, when they went out to work, they were able to accumulate stocks, bonds and real estate just as prices began to skyrocket. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.68%  was just 1,000 in the early 1980s, when most boomers were first entering the workplace.

So after all this good luck, where are they now?

A new study has the numbers. And they aren’t pretty.

“Boomer Expectations for Retirement,” a new annual study from the Insured Retirement Institute — a trade body for the annuity industry — makes shocking reading. Most boomers are unprepared for retirement, even as they approach it or enter it. Amazingly, barely one in 10 has enough saved up.

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