Tucker Carlson on White Identity Politics

Guest Post by Greg Johnson

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson deserves a lot of thanks for being the most outspoken critic of the insanity of America’s ruling family: the demented and abusive husband (the Democrats), the abused and clinging wife who enables him (the Republicans), their spoiled and insane daughter (the Left), and their increasingly aggressive Pitbull that they allow to bite people and befoul their neighborhood. Tucker speaks primarily for their abused and neglected son, the American people, who is now at risk from a whole range of self-destructive behaviors. I hope the kid makes it. He’s lucky to have Uncle Tucker in his life.

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Heather Mac Donald Unmasks the Met as an Anti-white, Anti-Western Civilization Propaganda Institution

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, like the Tate and Art Institute of Chicago, Has Transformed itself from a Museum of Western Culture Into an Institution of Propaganda Against White People.  Donated and previously purchased works of art by white artists are used as examples of white racism.  Racism has become the only permitted explanation in museums of the artistic treasures of Western Civilization. Even art long understood as expressing an anti-slavery theme is now regarded as racism if it was created by a white person. White museum visitors learn how awful they are personally for being white.

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The White Sheep Are Being Prepared for Slaughter

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

What transformed white people from proud warriors into sheeple? Some say it was Jews teaching them guilt. But Jean Raspail in his now suppressed novel says it was the consequence of the degeneracy in Western thought.

Today where can you find in literature, Hollywood, media, public statements by Western politicians, and public policies in the still white Western countries any affirmation of white people?

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Demonization of White Americans Now California State Official Policy

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

California mandates that all public and charter high schools teach “critical race theory” which defines all white people as racists and people of color as their victims.  The purpose is to deracinate white students, infuse them with guilt, and base advancement on victim status in place of merit. As whites comprise merely 30% of California’s population, they are an easy mark for second class citizenship. https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-critical-race-theory-is-changing-the-california-classroom-dr-wenyuan-wu-premiering-on-5-16-at-6pm-et_3817434.html?utm_source=News&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-05-17-1&est=%2BwpkRz7YfDOJmEHCDipPLgH2idy%2BdGx0BNX6YuryORNR61Cy5lRGtA%3D%3D

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The Wisdom Of The Ad Men

Guest Post by The Zman

Last night I watched an NFL football game for the first time in so long I don’t recall the last time I watched a full game. I did watch a game this year on Balkan television. It may have been in Bulgarian or possibly Croatian. I don’t speak either language, I just knew it was a feed from a Balkan country. It was entertaining for the short time I watched, mostly for the commercials. From what I could tell, the people in the Balkans who watch American football really enjoy casino gambling and drinking brightly colored cocktails by the pool.

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Anti-White mongrelization propaganda project

Via Goodbye America (in a photo)


The person who submitted this notes,

Saw this in the airport, and tried to get a good picture of it.  What stood out to me the most is that the guy has no ring on his finger, while the lady is supposedly married.

Very sly. The temperature of the anti-White mongrelization propaganda project just went up a few degrees.