Alex Jones to lose InfoWars

$1.5 billion judgement for exercising his First Amendment rights. If they can bankrupt and destroy him, imagine how easily they could destroy TBP and silence me.

Via RT

The outspoken American pundit will have to sell his platform to cover a $1.5 billion defamation judgment

Right-wing commentator Alex Jones has agreed to liquidate his assets in a bid to pay a court-imposed fine of $1.5 billion. Among Jones’ assets is the parent company of InfoWars, a platform used by the shock-jock to broadcast news, views, and conspiracy theories for more than two decades.

Jones filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2022, after a Connecticut judge ordered him to pay the families of the Sandy Hook massacre victims $1.5 billion in damages. Jones had claimed on air that the mass shooting – in which a gunman killed 20 elementary school children and six adults – was staged by the US government in a plot to usher in draconian gun control laws.

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