The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I understand that Socrates has forecast what is the opposite of every economic theory out there. It shows a recession has been unfolding since May, but this is on the aggregate level. On top of that, we have a Panic Cycle next year in 2024 in GDP. When I drill down into its forecasts per state, what becomes painfully apparent is what I have been writing about. There is a massive migration from blue states to red states initiated by COVID-19 but accelerated by tax increases. Thus, real estate is declining in the blue states, and those who didn’t want to move because of the higher mortgage rates will find their houses unsalable regardless of the mortgage rates. This will be particularly true in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, and Los Angeles, to mention a few. They had their chance. With the onslaught of migrants into those areas, those cities are raising taxes to cope with the aliens who pay no taxes.

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Dear GOP Establishment: The Elephant In The Room Is NOT Going Away

Brian Cates via Substack

The Last Presidential Election Was Stolen From The Real Winner – And Your Continued Refusal To Acknowledge This Will Doom You

I have friends who believe that former President Donald J. Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are secretly working together behind the scenes as they put on a nice bit of theater for the country as they engage in a fake feud over which one of them should get the 2024 GOP nomination.

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The Coup We Never Knew

Guest Post by Victor Davis Hanson

Did someone or something seize control of the United States?

What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased?

Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?

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Last Failsafe to Fix 2020 Election at Supreme Court – Brunson v. Adams

Submitted by mark

By Greg Hunter’s 

Loy Brunson and his three brothers have a case before the Supreme Court right now that could be both groundbreaking and earth shaking.  Many on both sides of the aisle think the case is frivolous and meritless, but the Brunson brothers disagree.  Their case is 22-380 and titled Brunson v. Alma S. Adams.  The case centers around the 2020 Election and charges by 100 members of Congress who wanted to investigate fraud provided for in the Constitution.

By voting not to investigate, members of Congress broke their oath, according to the Brunson Supreme Court case.  That’s the legal action in a nutshell.  Brunson says his case has national security implications because enemies of the United States, both foreign and domestic, are in the process of destroying the country and the U.S. Constitution as a result of the 2020 Election.  Is this way of thinking over the top?  Brunson says, “No, it is not over the top, and I think the Supreme Court judges are probably aware of how urgent this is and that we are at a tipping point.

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“Long, long may it be, ere he comes again! His hour is one of darkness, and adversity, and peril. But should domestic tyranny oppress us, or the invader’s step pollute our soil, still may the Gray Champion come” ― Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Gray Champion

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“Who is this gray patriarch? That stately form, combining the leader and the saint…could only belong to some old champion of the righteous cause, whom the oppressor’s drum had summoned from his grave.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne

There is a misunderstanding regarding the Gray Champion of this Fourth Turning. The misunderstanding revolves around thinking there is only one Gray Champion, they are hugely popular, always do the right thing, and are universally admired for their leadership traits. Nothing could be further from the truth. In previous Fourth Turnings, there have always been multiple Gray Champions, often at war with each other, who were not popular or necessarily good men.

What they always are is single-minded, tenacious, ruthless, and intent on winning at any cost. Their followers are inspired, and their enemies despise them. There is no middle ground when it comes to opinions about Gray Champions. They generally don’t fight the battles, but shape the strategy, inspire the troops, or mobilize the citizenry to action.


In Darkness Visible

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The signals from the political establishment to Donald Trump ring pretty clear now: get thee hence, thou big-bottomed orange menace to order and sanctity! Has ever a president been lonelier at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? Lincoln’s “team of rivals” in the drear winter months of 1864 seem downright chummy in retrospect and, of course, poor Richard Nixon stayed swozzled on scotch whiskey during the darkest nights of Watergate, when he reputedly wandered the West Wing halls conversing with portraits of his predecessors.

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Politics – It’s Over – Finally?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Can Trump still win with lawsuits or invoking the fraud provisions of the Executive Order of 2018? I am not trying to give anyone false hope. Many people have written in because they do not understand the system. The overseas readers seem to be upset the most for they were hoping for Trump to stand up to the real tyranny they have suffered under the direction of Klaus Schwab and his modern version of Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The Electoral College vote on December 14th was actually not the end. The counting of the Electoral Votes actually takes place on January 6, 2021, when Congress meets in a joint session to count the electoral votes and announce the results of the Electoral College vote.

The Constitution’s text requires that a group of electors, commonly called the Electoral College, chooses the next president. If a majority of electors fails to agree on a winner, Congress picks the winner in continent elections held within Congress under the terms of the 12th Amendment.

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Offstage Noises

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Friday night, the US Supreme Court booted the Texas case against the swing state election janksters, the citation of “standing” likely a cover story for another reason that isn’t strictly legal doctrine but rather a sentiment, namely, that a presidential election dispute belongs more properly in the elected House of Representatives than in the unelected SCOTUS — at least for now, with more cases probably coming at them. The justices didn’t explain their decision.

This wasn’t so with Bush v. Gore in 2000, by the way, but we are a different country now, one mired in institutional paralysis and failure, thanks to the bureaucratic “resistance.” Anyway, the Supremes wouldn’t hear the evidence of ballot fraud, nor has any state court yet, so ignore the plaintive cries from the seditionist news media that claims of gross election irregularities are “baseless.”

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Don’t Mess with Miz Powell

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

That’s a headline from — where else? — The New York Times, Monday morning edition. The paper no longer prints news stories, it releases DNC talking points, such as this one referring to conspiracy theories, one of their faves. The catch, of course, is: when an organization, say, the Democratic Party, meddles in election vote tabulation, you have…what? A plan acted on by a group to do something unlawful. That would be… a conspiracy. They surely had the motive and, apparently, the means. You can play rhetorical games with the theory part, but then there’s the evidence trail, and how it comports with reality. The word theory, you see is not a synonym for a falsehood — as they pretend it is. Many theories are proven true.

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