Bill Gates Predicts mRNA ‘Vaccine Factories’ Worldwide and $2 Vaccines for Every Disease

Guest Post by

John Campbell, Ph.D., a former nurse and healthcare educator, questioned whether any of Bill Gates’ visions for the future of vaccines — including vaccine patches and inhalable vaccines — are realistic or even desirable.

“Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of money put into innovation of the messenger ribonucleic acid technology [mRNA] and lipid nanoparticles,” medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., said on a recent episode of his YouTube show.

Campbell cited a recent interview with Bill Gates and a 2022 “TED Talk,” where Gates laid out his vision for global health in the next five years. Campbell played clips from the talks and offered a point-by-point critique.

In one clip, Gates promoted mRNA as easy, cheap, self-assembling and scalable.

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Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The problem with people’s attitudes toward the national debt is that everyone has forgotten why we borrowed in the first place. The theory was that if you borrowed rather than printed money, you were NOT increasing the existing money supply, and therefore, in theory, it would not be inflationary.

US Debt accumulated Interest as Percent of total

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Too Massive to Comprehend

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I remember a time not too long ago when you could sort of see what was happening in the world, even in your own backyard, with some degree of certainty.

If you looked hard enough, got past the politics, and the greedy capitalists, and the ideological socialists, you could make some sense of it. Even then it took some work. You had to read a lot and find journalists, historians, and authors you could somewhat trust.

Throw in a bit of common sense here and there, and you could pretty much lock on to a rather trustworthy sense of what was true and what probably was not. At least it seemed that way.

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If Truth Could Be Acknowledged, America No Longer Exists

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Alan Dershowitz, the epitome of a Harvard law school left-winger back in the days before the left-wing went Woke, endorsed two of my books dealing with Washington’s dangerous assaults on American Civil Liberty.

Dershowitz’s failing is that as a defender of Zionist Israel he silences even Jews, such as Norman Finkelstein, who are critical of Zionist Israel. But when it comes to US civil liberty, he stands on the Constitution if Israel is not in the picture.

This is unusual for the left-wing today, which opposes the Constitution as a racist document intended to suppress black people.

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The Financial Jigsaw, Part 2 – GEOPOLITICS OF WW3 – The Enemy Within – Roman Redux – Ukraine End Game – The Rockefeller Family – CBDCs Are Coming; Like it or Not – [04-13-24]

“Only when elected representatives and government officials fear ‘We The People’ more than they fear their NWO masters and Deep State handlers will the present tyranny collapse.” [George Orwell]

This week’s Financial Jigsaw Part 2 – Chapter 5 episode highlights the geopolitical crisis deepening as the Global South continues to challenge the Global North.  The Western Money Cartel has only one option left; the transmogrification of the Western (Global) Financial System into a Global CBDC system supported by the Technocracy’s Digital IDs. A prerequisite is the elimination of the cash economy

Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the ministry following remarks by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the UK to strike deep inside Russia.

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CELEBRATION OF SQUALOR: 30 Blocks Of Squalor And Government Incompetence

Avalon was able to track down another 30 Blocks of Squalor rant from 2015, posted by David Stockman on his website. This one centers on the incompetence of Philly government drones and corrupt politicians.

There were two accidents on the Schuylkill Expressway last Monday morning. You know what this meant. I had the pleasure of traveling to work on the scenic 30 Blocks of Squalor. The 30 blocks from 69th Street in Upper Darby to 39th Street in West Philly is a tribute to government incompetence, failed government policies, shoddy union labor practices and fiscal mismanagement.

This entire thirty block trek could be completed in 5 to 10 minutes if the hundreds of union government drones in the Philadelphia Streets Department would get off their fat asses and time the lights. The blocks are identical in distance. They don’t need advanced degrees in physics or calculus to set the lights to go green every ten seconds in order. They were timed in the 1970s and 1980s. Would smoothly flowing traffic be such a bad thing? Do they not care or are they really this incompetent? The first light at 61st Street was red when I arrived. It turned green and before you could touch the gas, it immediately turned yellow and red again. I wondered how long they’d allow this to go on. My guess would be days.

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CELEBRATION OF SQUALOR: 30 Blocks of Squalor – Summer Edition

Avalon was able to track down another 30 Blocks of Squalor classic from July 2010 on the Seeking Alpha website. It was only the third 30 Blocks article I had written, to be followed by over a hundred more from 2010 through 2019.

Today there was a crane broken down in the construction zone on the Blue Route. I was forced to take my alternative route into the city through the 30 blocks of squalor for the first time in 3 months. You may find this shocking but I actually have something good to say. It appears that a few bucks of the stimulus money was spent well. All of Chestnut Street from 69th street to 39th street has been repaved. It is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. No more potholes the size of Jim Cramer’s head.

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My one and only video documentary of parts of the 30 Blocks of Squalor. I tried to channel my inner Quentin Tarantino. I can’t believe I didn’t win an Oscar. This was in early 2019, shortly before I ended my 30 Blocks trek.

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I hear Pfizer already has a vaccine and the government has already bought a billion doses. But voting will have to be by mail. Carry on.

FDA Preparing For Possible Bird Flu Spread Among Humans: Commissioner

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf in Washington in a file image. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is preparing for a scenario in which the highly pathogenic avian influenza starts spreading among humans, the agency’s commissioner said on May 8.

This virus, like all viruses, is mutating. We need to continue to prepare for the possibility that it might jump to humans,” Dr. Robert Califf, the commissioner, told senators during a hearing in Washington.

The influenza, also known as the bird flu or H5N1, has recently started spreading among cattle and other species. One person in Texas has had a confirmed case this year.

Continue reading “MUST BE AN ELECTION YEAR”

You’re an “Anti”!

Guest Post by Eric Peters

When a Leftist or a Rightist wants you to shut up he tries to make you ashamed. He will accuse you of being “anti” whatever it isn’t.

“Anti” meaning opposed to, of course.

Except not really.

The political meaning of this prefix encompasses other meanings. If, for example, you are opposed to a policy (any policy) or action (any action) of the government of Israel, then you are “anti-Semitic” in the eyes of the Right, which has become what you might call philo-Semitic – that is to say, an unconditional lover of the policies and actions of the Israeli government and its willing accomplices embedded in the government of the United States.

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Dog Gone: Kristi Noem Cuts Short Book Tour Citing ‘Bad Weather’

Authored by Philip Wegmann via RealClear Wire,

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has cut short a disastrous book tour after receiving withering criticism for her story of shooting an ill-behaved puppy and unverified claims of meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un, RealClearPolitics is first to report. The book, released Tuesday, is titled “No Going Back.”

Noem sat for a series of in-person interviews in New York and was scheduled to travel later in the week to Washington, D.C., before canceling the tour, citing inclement weather.

“Gov. Noem has sold a lot of books on this tour and is back in South Dakota to be prepared for some potential emerging bad weather systems,” spokesman Ian Fury told RCP. Tornadoes touched down in the state Monday, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Noem sat for interviews Monday and Tuesday in New York before returning home.

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David Stockman on Why There is No Noticeable Benefit from the Fed’s Policies

Guest Post by David Stockman

Here is the only noticeable “benefit” from the Fed’s pro-inflation policies since Greenspan’s arrival at the Eccles Building. To wit, these policies have pleasured the tippy top of the economic ladder with massive wealth gains owing to the relentless inflation of financial assets. During the 34 years since 1989, therefore, net worth has increased as follows:

Aggregate Net Worth Gain, Q4 1989 to Q3 2023

  • Top 0.1% or 131,000 households (purple area): +$18.2 trillion or 11.4X.
  • Top 1.0% or 1.34 million households (black area): +$40.0 trillion or 9.5X.
  • Bottom 50% or 65.7 million households (blue area): +$3.7 trillion or 5.1X.

For want of doubt, the corresponding net worth gains on a per household basis are as follows:

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