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9mm vs 45 ACP: The Greatest Pistol Caliber Debate

There are many great debates that grace the display cases of gun stores and internet forums about which personal defense ammo or firearm is superior…1911 vs Glock, AR-15 vs AK-47, 30-06 Springfield vs 308 Winchester, and 9mm vs 40 Smith and Wesson to name a few.

And although proponents of certain firearms/cartridges are often very stalwart in their positions, there are none that are so unrelenting, tenacious, and resolute in their position than those in the 9mm vs 45 ACP caliber debate.

Many shooters will make the blanket statement that the debate over 9mm Luger and 45 ACP comes down to magazine capacity vs stopping power.

However, this is a very apples to oranges approach when it comes to comparing these two personal defense handgun calibers.

Let’s take an objective look at the 9mm vs 45 ACP debate and compare the history, ballistics, advantages, and disadvantages of the two most popular self-defense handgun cartridges in the world.

Load up your favorite Glock 17 magazines with your 9mm ammo of choice and get your 1911 oiled up because you are about to read the most objective 9mm vs 45 ACP caliber debate on the Internet.

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FBI Blocking Release Of Nashville Trans Shooter’s Manifesto

Via ZeroHedge

If the Nashville shooter had been a straight constitutional conservative would the FBI be blocking the killer’s manifesto, or would it be scrutinized for months on every mainstream media platform from day one?

The question is important because it illustrates the discomforting double standards in play whenever a mass murder is committed by a person on the political left (and there have been many lately).  If the manifesto outlines ideologically motivated intent then the actions of Audrey Hale, a biological woman identifying as male, could be labeled a terrorist act.  However, if the manifesto stays locked away from the public then there will always be suspicions but never any confirmation.  Certain political groups and activist groups benefit greatly from the suppression of Hale’s motives.

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Charge Lines

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Back in the ’70s, there were gas lines – caused by gas shortages. Which were caused not by a shortage of gas but by politics. The federal government annoyed the foreign powers that controlled much of the world’s supply of oil via the cartel called OPEC – the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries – many of which were Arabic. Richard Nixon’s policies regarding them (and Israel) were met by the Arabs with embargoes, which led to the shortages – and the lines.

These often stretched around the block. People sat for hours to get some gas – sometimes running out of gas while they waited to get it.

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QOTD – Who is Right?

Submitted by Mary Christine

Michael Yon thinks China wants to take over the world. Gonzalo Lira thinks they just want to trade with other countries and has no aims to take over the world.

Yon’s videos from the Darien Gap shows many of the so called migrants coming through it are young Chinese men who qualify as fighting age for the military. He also claims our tax $$ are supporting this effort.

Meanwhile Lira claims that China hasn’t started a war with another country in decades and has no reason to want war with any other country. We are talking sanctions against China and this will lead to war.

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Hat tip The Feral Irishman

Here We Go Again: Deranged Voters Looking for a Political Savior

Submitted by CCRider

Guest Post by Gary D. Barnett

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I’m a moron. Fool me three or more times consecutively, and I’m a voter.” Jarod Kintz

My gracious sakes alive; it is amazing that it is only eighteen months away from yet another mentally deranged presidential ‘election,’ and the insanity circus is already in town. Who will run? Who will be nominated? Who will be your savior this time around? Who will give you a check? Who will ‘fix’ the country? Who will be tasked with continuing the madness? Which trimmer will get called into the game by the ruling ‘elites’ to compete in this selection-based political process? Will it be Biden again, Trump, DeSantis, M. Obama, or the new lauded democrat, RFK, Jr., or any others in the cadre of political scum of wanna-be rulers vying for the selected top spot? It does not matter you see, as so long as this voting insanity continues, this country and world will persist in flushing all freedom down the proverbial toilet bowl of dreams, while the lowly complicit masses cheer on their political gods.

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The Spark

Guest Post by NicklethroweR

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein

Get ready for several lifetimes worth of change before the end of the year because we have created a monster.  I do not say this as clickbait.  I do not say this to be bombastic.  I say it because I’m convinced that something evil has been created in a lab and has now been turned loose upon the world.  If you grant me a few minutes of your time, I will prove it to you.

As a content creator, I follow trends in technology as I’m constantly looking for shortcuts that will simplify my workflow.  After all, it is easier now to have a text-to-image creator make photographs than search Shutterstock or Getty Images for a suitable image.  The same is true if I need some ambient music to fill space in a video as AI generated piano music now takes care of 75% of what I need.  Currently, I’m using around half a dozen different AI type applications to help me produce media.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard talk of ChatGPT.  For those of you that do not know about it or are unsure as to what it is, I’ve asked ChatGPT to define itself.

Continue reading “The Spark”

ALERT! – Fun Time – Taiwan! – Black Ops – Jabs for Kids? – BoE CBDC – BIS CBDC – DIGITAL IDs – Boat-people – Price Gouging – Serve the People? – Story Time – Letter from Great Britain [04-22-23]


Oscar Wilde said: “some cause happiness wherever they go, some when they go.” I like the adage: “Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” – Spike Milligan

NEWS FLASH: Don’t forget HMG’s ridiculous ALERT tomorrow at 1500.  Have you turned it off yet?  I gave readers guidance a few weeks ago.  You can opt-out of the national test either by turning off ‘Emergency Alerts’ in the phone settings or by switching the phone off.: How to turn it off! “Remain Indoors” – BBC emergency broadcast (10 years ago!)  


FUN TIDBIT:   John Rubino came out with a classic this week:  “The World Economic Forum (run by Bond villains Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates) is an obvious target for parody. At least I think the next two images are parodies. The way things are going they might be actual WEF proposals”.

Continue reading “ALERT! – Fun Time – Taiwan! – Black Ops – Jabs for Kids? – BoE CBDC – BIS CBDC – DIGITAL IDs – Boat-people – Price Gouging – Serve the People? – Story Time – Letter from Great Britain [04-22-23]”

