Watch Company Honors Truth In Anti-Woke Ad Campaign

Submitted by Mary Christine

Via Newsbusters

While the world is becoming increasingly “woke” and panders more and more to the leftist narrative every day, one company is taking the opposite approach.

The Egard Watch Company released an ad in response to “woke corporate America” highlighting the unfairness and injustices of allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports. The video itself is a cinematic masterpiece detailing the story of a young girl who dreamed of being the “fastest runner in the world.”

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Criminal Transportation Should Begin Anew

Many of the problems we encounter today have been addressed by our predecessors.  History frequently provides answers but our ruling class has a vested interest in continuing the error ridden policies that are abhorrent to normal people.  Here is a small idea to alleviate three problem areas we face today.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Great Britain was being overrun with a new criminal class that was migrating into the cities.  Famines were sweeping the land and the city offered hope for unneeded farm laborers.  Theft was the only way for these people to support themselves. The laws were rather barbaric to our eyes including hanging for theft.  Prisons were full and derelict ships were used to house the leftovers.

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I’m sure it’s just a coincidence Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News after he gave this speech at the Heritage Foundation. The censorship is getting ramped up for the election. The DNC, RNC, and MSM are going to deploy all assets to make sure Trump and Kennedy won’t get elected.

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America’s empire is bankrupt

Guest Post by

Let’s start with the basics. Roughly 5% of the human race currently live in the United States of America. That very small fraction of humanity, until quite recently, enjoyed about a third of the world’s energy resources and manufactured products and about a quarter of its raw materials. This didn’t happen because nobody else wanted these things, or because the US manufactured and sold something so enticing that the rest of the world eagerly handed over its wealth in exchange. It happened because, as the dominant nation, the US imposed unbalanced patterns of exchange on the rest of the world, and these funneled a disproportionate share of the planet’s wealth to itself.

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What’s next for Tucker Carlson

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

As you may have heard once (or a hundred times), Fox parted ways with him this morning. But shed no tears for Tucker; his next act is likely to be YUUUGE – and very lucrative.

I wouldn’t exactly call Tucker Carlson a friend.

As you have probably already heard, this morning Tucker abruptly left his position as the most powerful anchor at Fox News, or anywhere on television.

I’ve never had a beer or a coffee off-set with Tucker. We have very similar views on some issues, like the dangers of cannabis and mRNA jabs, but very different on others like Ukraine.

And I only got to know him when he was already hugely successful. Adults have a hard time becoming close under those circumstances. I’ve never wanted to be the guy asking Tucker (or Elon) for favors – aside from the favor of his having me on when I had something interesting to say.

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Duesenberg in a Barn

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

In 1929, Ford sold 1,507,132 cars. Chevrolet sold 1,328,605. Then came the stock market crash. Sales dropped dramatically each year until 1932, when sales bottomed at 210,824 for Ford and 313,404 for Chevrolet.

But, during that time, a small new market came on stream for the two foremost budget brands—the rich.

Although literally millions of people were hit very hard by the crash, those who had invested wisely retained their wealth. Those who steered clear of the stock market bubble and/or invested in assets that would survive the crash, such as precious metals, were able to continue to live well.

However, they did find that when they drove down the street in their luxury cars, they stood out and became the objects of anger and scorn.

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In my TBP shrinkage post the other day I noted a positive development in being reinstated by Twitter and gaining 2,000 followers in a short period of time. I said Twitter would be my only avenue to increase page views. Well that optimistic trend is gone. I got this email this morning.

I’m permanently suspended and they already turned down my appeal. Below is the tweet that got me suspended for life. It appears Twitter doesn’t appreciate my view of justice regarding the murder of millions by Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma and their co-conspirators. So be it. Poor Avalon will now have me back on her Twitter account as I scan it for good things to post. I guess Elon didn’t get rid of all the leftist pricks at Twitter.

Tucker Carlson Out At Fox

Via ZeroHedge

Tucker Carlson, the highest rated cable news host in history, is out at Fox News. The news comes days after the network cut ties with host Dan Bongino 48 hours after the network settled with Dominion Voting Systems for nearly $800 million.

“Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” reads a statement from the network, which thanks him for his service “as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”

According to the statement, Carlson’s last show was Friday, April 21st as he continued to dominate, and his slot will now be filled by ‘an interim show helmed by rotating FOX News personalities until a new host is named.”

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Misplaced Empathy Will Kill Us All

Guest Post from John Wilder

“Look, I just fix stuff, okay? This whole empathy thing it’s, uh, not exactly my strong point, all right?” – Andromeda

The Mrs. says I have no empathy.  I have no idea why she would feel that way.

I was in a pretty deep sleep, having another stupid dream.  My definition of a stupid dream is something like, “being at work, and writing an email”.  If I’m going to dream, I don’t want to waste it on work, I want to be out conquering the green-skinned warrior women from Alpha Centauri, not dreaming about doing my taxes.

Occasionally, though, I have a fully formed thought so perfect that it jars me out of a deep sleep, and I have to write it down, like that time I invented the goldfish treadmill, or the silent alarm clock that slapped The Mrs. in the face with a comically large clown glove so her alarm wouldn’t wake me up.

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Big Lies and Bigger Lies

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”Joseph Goebbels

“If you’re going to lie,” Joseph Goebbels used to say (in German of course), “make it a whopper.” How did that work out for the Third Reich?  Today, The New York Times says “Joe Biden” is revving up to run for president again in 2024. Is that so? One DNC strategist, Maria Cardona, was quoted saying, “Democrats complain that he might be too old. But then, when they’re asked, ‘Well, who?’ There is no one else.”

There you have the sucking chest wound at the center of the Democratic Party, a malodorous vacuum where, as they like to say, democracy dies in darkness. You understand, this is exactly what you get when all you do is tell lies, always and everywhere, about everything.

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Did Biden Steal The Election?

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the American people to save Biden’s lagging campaign from a massive brewing scandal.

The problem was that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, had abandoned his laptop at a repair shop and the explosive contents of the computer were leaking out. The details of the Biden family’s apparent corruption and the debauchery of the former vice-president’s son were being reported by the New York Post, and with the election less than a month away, the Biden campaign needed to kill the story.

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