Via Western Rifle Shooters

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It’s Inevitable: American Patriots Need Guns Because A War Is Coming

Submitted by CCRider

Guest Post by Brandon Smith

Should the actions of a handful of criminals be used as an excuse to take away the rights of millions of innocent people? Any reasonable person would say no, but when it comes to gun related violence the standards of logic tend to go out the window. There are many government officials that view each major shooting as a gift – They believe that tragedies are political capital, a tool for leveraging away our freedoms.

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The COVID vaccine causes tinnitus and many other adverse events: there is no doubt about this

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The CDC is lying to the American people (again). They are either corrupt or incompetent or both. But nobody is asking any questions.

Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears) | Orange Coast ENT

Executive summary

This NBC News article says that even though many people have reported tinnitus following vaccination, the CDC has thoroughly investigated this and found no link.

In short, according to the CDC, these are just “coincidences” where people are vaccinated just before they develop tinnitus.

That’s not what I found when I looked at VAERS just now. 95% of the tinnitus reports from the 30 year history of VAERS were from just one vaccine: the COVID vaccine.

For atrial fibrillation, 93% of all VAERS reports are from the COVID vaccines.

For death, a safety signal was triggered less than a month after the vaccines rolled out.

The CDC is ignoring all these safety signals and more.

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Elon Musk on Money – Uncertainties on mRNA Technology — Pfizer and Moderna Stocks Fall Again — CPI Inflation in UK (10%) and Argentina (104%) – [04-23-2023]


Direct from BOOM Finance and Economics at the links below

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ELON MUSK WRONG ON MONEY:  Elon Musk was interviewed by Tucker Carlson last week and he said this: “if you increase the money supply, you get inflation”. The richest man in the world does not understand money and inflation. However, he is not alone on the matter. Inflation in an economy is a very complex subject and it cannot be summed up in such a simplistic statement.

Continue reading “Elon Musk on Money – Uncertainties on mRNA Technology — Pfizer and Moderna Stocks Fall Again — CPI Inflation in UK (10%) and Argentina (104%) – [04-23-2023]”

Is Your Money Safe in a Regional Bank?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

People often ask if their money is safe in a regional bank. Yes—if you keep it under $250,000 to guarantee the FDIC insures those funds. Some clueless minds brainwashed into fighting the class warfare thought, “Oh well!” for people who had more than them in the bank and did not care if the Silicon Valley Bank or Signature Bank failed.

My phone did not stop ringing and the bankers wanted to know if they should cover ALL the deposits. I actually lost my voice, screaming, “YES YOU MUST COVER ALL THE DEPOSITS! ALL OF THEM!!!” Aside from the fact that no one deserves to lose their hard-earned money, the primary issue here is that failing to cover the deposits would have completely wiped out small businesses.

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Dark Chocolate Reduces Stress and Inflammation, Boosts Memory

Via Mercola

dark chocolate benefits

Story at-a-glance

  • When it comes to chocolate, its cacao content — which is bitter, not sweet — the amount of sugar added, and the processing chocolate undergoes, makes a huge difference in terms of whether it has any health benefits
  • Raw cacao gets its bitter taste from the polyphenols present, and these plant compounds are also responsible for most of the health benefits associated with dark chocolate
  • The cacao bean contains hundreds of naturally occurring compounds, including epicatechin, resveratrol — two powerful antioxidants — phenylethylamine (which boosts mood) and theobromine, which has effects similar to that of caffeine
  • Human trial data reveal chocolate helps improve stress levels, inflammation, mood, memory and immune function, but it must contain at least 70% cacao and be sweetened with organic cane sugar
  • A number of other studies have confirmed cacao can benefit your heart, blood vessels, brain and nervous system, and helps combat diabetes and other conditions rooted in inflammation

Throughout its history, which dates back at least 4,000 years,1 chocolate has been a symbol of luxury, wealth and power. During the 14th century, the Aztecs and Maya even used cacao beans as currency. Modern research has also revealed chocolate has significant health benefits — provided you’re willing to give up the now-familiar sweetness of modern day milk chocolate.

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No, Saudi Arabia did NOT do 9/11

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The bombshell 911 news this past week, is that a freshly-published court filing from Jul 2021, has revealed at least two of the 19 alleged “hijackers” may have been recruited by the CIA.

Now this isn’t exactly “news”, after all it has long since been established that the CIA, FBI and/or any other US alphabet agencies simply must have been involved. It couldn’t have happened without their involvement.

Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, the new release doesn’t go that far. Instead, the testimony from Donald C Canestraro Declaration – former lead investigator for the Office of Military Commissions – discusses the “intelligence failures that led to 9/11”, while focusing mainly on the “hijackers” and their backgrounds.

According to a report in Grayzone, the court filing relies on anonymous testimony from “high-ranking CIA and FBI officials”:

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No More Truth from Fox News

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

As I have reported over and over, truth-tellers are being eliminated.  Now it is the most popular TV host with the largest following that has been jettisoned.

It is highly unusual, indeed extraordinary, for a media company to suddenly cancel its star primetime host, especially when the show is booming while other TV news loses credibility and viewers.  Here is the report just released by The Epoch Times:

“Fox News on Monday confirmed that it ‘parted ways’ with popular primetime host Tucker Carlson, offering no explanation why.

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Ghost Particle: A Neutron That Could Solve The Mystery Of Existence

Authored by Sumaya Hazarika via The Epoch Times,

“Truly the universe is full of ghosts, not sheeted churchyards specters, but the inextinguishable elements of individual life, which having once been, can never die, though they blend and change, and change again forever.”

– H. Rider Haggard

When we think about the universe, it simply seems vast with boundless space filled with large and minute particles unknown to human beings. Undoubtedly, there is a lot that we have come to understand about our planet, the universe, and also ourselves, but what if everything we know is only a fraction of the vastness that is the universe?

The study of “ghost particles,” or neutrinos, must make scientists feel the same way. We know everything and nothing at the same time. The ultimate paradox.

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Tucker Carlson Fired By Lachlan Murdoch; Here’s What We Know

Via ZeroHedge

Update (2114ET): After an entire day wondering why in the hell Fox News would can the highest-rated cable news host in the world, ever, the New York Times comes out with this;


The decision to let Mr. Carlson go was made on Friday night by Lachlan Murdoch, the chief executive of Fox Corporation, and Suzanne Scott, chief executive of Fox News Media, according to a person briefed on the move. Mr. Carlson was informed on Monday morning by Ms. Scott, another person briefed on the move said.


[T]he power that Mr. Carlson, 53, wielded outside Fox News could not insulate him from a growing list of troubles inside the network related to his conduct on and off the air, some of which had been grating on Mr. Murdoch and his father, Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, who co-founded the network in 1996, according to the two people with knowledge of the company’s decision.

The host, a polarizing and unpopular figure at the network outside of his own staff, was exposed as part of a defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems as a bully who denigrated colleagues and sources, often in profane and sexist language, and called for the firing of Fox journalists whose coverage he disliked. He has also drawn condemnation from the right and left for his role in fostering a revisionist account of the assault on the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

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I need a math savant, my brain hurts.

So, 1,000,000,000 people have died from the jab in the last, what, 2 years? That’s what, 1 out of 8 people worldwide?

Here’s the math question:
If I know 200 people and 1 out of every 8 people on the planet have died, what are the chances I should know someone who died of the jab? Or should I say, what % chance do I have of knowing at least 1 person that has died from the jab. It would seem I should know 25 people who have died, correct?